a bbq july 31st in brookfeild woods..its off 31st street and first avenue (near harlem and archer couple miles off highway 55 in chicago). from 8am till close...bring what ever u wanna eat or play with and we will have grills, its a big open area with a shelter and parking for about 200 and the permit has already been secured.
lets see some people out there, all makes and modles of cars welcome
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
(There are already some more people then just me coming, a majority of Team altered will be there along with some friends, lets make this huge)
I might be able to make it out there. Have to check what i am doing that weekend if anything.
<img src="http://www.raceperformanceparts.com/smurfsupsig.jpg">
you have enough noptice to take time off work/reshedule things
That is true...
<img src="http://www.raceperformanceparts.com/smurfsupsig.jpg">
I should be there. Esp. since I wasnt able to make the last meet.
I come back from vacation that saturday but I should be able to make it unless things change
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
2. Andix
3. Skill13
4. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
2. Andix
3. Skill13
4. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
5. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
I will prolly be able to make it, just gotta check on a couple of things...might be going to NC that weekend, but not exactly sure...I will update as soon as I know.
Ken96Z wrote:work like usual
you have time to take off you @!#$head
hmm.....time to check the schedule...
Everything LOUDER than everything else!!
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
2. Andix
3. Skill13
4. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
5. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
6. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
hmm i might be able to make this one, got a few things done to the cobalt now maybe im worthy of being with JBODYS
wikkymaster <<-
check out my blogs!
Gov't Auto Auction
How I Stopped Smoking
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HMMMM........ MAbe I can hitch a ride
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
2. Andix
3. Skill13
4. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
5. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
6. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
7. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet
hey is this the same place we had that one meet at ryan?

my car met with an explorer so I don't know if I'm going.
Here is Ronnie "C"... I have a wedding the nite before so if I can get back into town in time i will be there but im going on the list
1- Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
2. Andix
3. Skill13
4. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
5. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
6. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
7. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet
8. Ronnie "C"
ZFATALJ wrote:HMMMM........ MAbe I can hitch a ride
And with who

I have a weight limit to maintain
wikkymaster <<-
check out my blogs!
Gov't Auto Auction
How I Stopped Smoking
Easy online cash
UNLIMITED streaming online movies
Ronnie C wrote:Here is Ronnie "C"... I have a wedding the nite before so if I can get back into town in time i will be there but im going on the list
Whoa, me too crazy summer love man. LOL ! Have fun everyone ! -Erik-
NightmareSS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC STG 2
55 towards chicago to 1st Ave
North on 1st Ave down to 31st
Left on 31st and its a 1/2 mile down
Its on the right side of the road, looks like a big open field area/forest preserve, I was told "you can't miss it unless you're retarded" so it should be preaty easy to find