as the title says if there in good condition or have then sitting around let me know how much..
Hey Buddy
I have those seat in black with red flake i can send u the picture by tomorrow.
if u can man it would be great .. if there in good cond. shouldnt be a prob picking those up
thanks !
Yeah they re almost brand new! haha, hes a good guy to deal with. Hes got tons of good parts laying around!
Hey bud
I will sell my seat for $150 FLAT
Hey Bud
so u r accept $ 150 for a seat, what is your location? you want to pick up or want me to drop off ?
any pic of these seats. just curious to what they look compared to mine.. I have after markets fronts so im curious about the back which I can only assuume would have the same colour/pattern

I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it