Hi again,
I am doing a 3100 swap from a 2.0tbi automatic. There is a cable that sticks out of my transmission that goes to the throttle body. I have no idea what it is for or if I need it for the swap. I just know that people who did do the swap never mentioned anything about this. For anyone who has, what did you do with this cable? Does it goonto the 3100 throttle bracket?
Its the throttle valve (TV or kick down) cable. Yes its needed. It should go to the throttle cam and attach next to the throttle cable.
the 3100 never had a hydralicly controller tranny behind it (like the 125 or 440t4), so it doesnt have provisions for the cable on the throttle body. what people have done is use the cable junction box from an older quad 4 (around 89), as they are the same way. i dont know the details about it, but head over to www.domesticcrew.com/660 for more info on it
Yes I was on domesticcrew inquiring about the swap and going through their guide and that never came up.
i know people there have done it before, just ask on the board. its not in the faq cause rarly does anyone put an auto behind a 3x00.