I put a new temperature sending unit on my 98, has the 2200 engine in it, because the temp guage didn't work. Guage still didn't work. I switched clusters to one with a tach and the guage still doesn't work. Is there another sensor for the coolant temp other than the one in the line on the front of the motor or could this possibly be a wiring issue? The needle on the guage goes back slightly when you turn the key on but then doesn't move any more. Any ideas?
Sounds like the signal from the sender isn't getting to the gauge.. so check the wiring along the way.
<a href="http://www.lenkorules.com/"><img src="http://s93165229.onlinehome.us/images/zm/sig/LRDCsig3.jpg"></a>
i have the same problem...but after i drive my car for awhile and turn it off, it wont start back up. If I wait like 1 hour for it to cool off it'll start. My check engine light is on P0118 "Coolant Temperature coolant circuit high input"
^^^ i had the exact same code. my car would start though most of the times. check the harness that goes into the ect. when you open your hood, look to infront of the block on the passenger side. you will see a sensor going into a metal tube i believe. thats your ect. it has a 2 or 3 pin harness going in. my problem was that one of the wires was broken. check it out and see if yours is broken, if not, replace the sensor. i think it cost me like 50 bucks from gm
I replaced the sensor and it didn't help..when i try to start the car it turns over but doesn't start, it just sounds hollow
I still didn't get mine fixed yet either. I think it is a wiring problem on mine. Someone has rewired a bunch of crap and left a few ground wires off. I replaced some of the grounds but it didn't affect the temp guage any. Idles better or it did anyway till the timing chain broke.
whaz up so you want to remove the face plate gauge controller form the center math than it will work. Ive had this issue before on my old lady in the Garage
the sending unit feeds the computer before it feeds the gauge