I need to change oil on a 2004 cavalier 2.2 ecotec but I heard the filter was special. What is it? can I change the oil like all the other cars or is it different.
Tank You
no, nothing special
maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
its special in the sense that it is a drop in filter not a screw in filter. Thats all
yeah but where is it? It's not under the car I didn't found it. This is not my car, it's my friend's car so I don't know nothin about it.
the filter is under the hood. there is like some sort of cap you un screw to get at it
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Its down and to the right from the TB(standing in front of the car). 1 1/4'' socket is needed, drain plug is 15mm.
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
tank you guys, really help me.
wow, never new the ecotec oil filter was different. thats good to know. i woulda looked like an idiot when i went to change my buddy's oil. he thinks i'm "big bad car care guy."
If you need to part # its a 9018 Fram filter.... And you cant miss the cap just open the hood and look down right in front of the filler cap....
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yeah... that's a BIG socket to get that puppy out. The service manual also warns not to use open-end wrenches on it just because its at an odd angle and would be pretty easy to mess it up since its made of plastic.
If you look right under where your IAT sensor (wire that goes into the intake tube) is, you'll see a black plastic cap that has a hex head on it (it takes a 1-1/4" socket). Loosen that---the filter is attached to that. Pull it out, remove the filter from the cap, then install the new filter and tighten the cap. if you need any more help--e-mail me and I will send you some pics.
I'd rinse out a AC filter and reuse it before I used a brand new fram filter.
*FYI The part number at AutoZone for K&N oil filters is wrong. I just go to the dealer for a brand new AC filter.