i just bought a 95 sunfire to add to my cars, and i can crank it, then it'll catch rev up to about 2 grand then sputter and die off. i realize that im gonna feel really stupid after askin this, but i was wonderin if ne one else had this prob. or know what could be causing it to happen?
check to see if maybe the theft system clicked on. if i did reset it
anb since you just bought it check all of the fuses and look over wires etc to make sure there are no harmfull splices or blown fuses or dissconected wires/connectors.
it is prob the theft system, that happend to me in a parking of a carwash, i usally you have to just wait 10 mins for it to rest, but there might be a prob with the wires at the egnition cylinder, also remeber i beileve there was a recal on the cylinder somwthing call you local dealer to see what recalls your cas has outstanding
Same problem as mentioned above, my alarm system left my stuck out int he middle of no where. I found a guy who new alarms he did something probably reset it and then the car started up right away.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/pinssunfire/myfire3.jpg">
well if it was the theft system you would know. the car would die then the theft light will come on on the dash.