I keep finding stores with great prices, until i realize its an american site. And shipping to canada is expensive (depending on point of origin i suppose). Anyways, I was wondering if any of you knew any sites, that were canadian based, it sure would save me alot of money in the long run. Thanks in advance.
Son please, are you high on marijuana? You better shut your mouth, because you
probably drive a HONDA !
I think there's a bunch of stores in Ontario. Not much out West
(I'm in BC)
i'm in toronto/mississauga ont. if ya own a import there's parts coming out the ying yang. they'll order the parts for ya but >>>$$$$<<< i wanted to grab some new eng, mounts and a rack and pinnon crappy tire wanted $291.50 for a rebuilt one ....naaaaa I don't mind the cost but i want the moneys worth ya know?
theres one here in newfoundland i priced my tail lights when i was going to get some, it was like 250 bucks so i bought the same ones off ebay for 100 including shipping
What the deuce?
It's usually cheaper to buy online, and pay the pricey shipping... then to buy through a canadian retailer.
That being said. PM me if you need anything through ekeystone.