97 Z24 upper motor mount... :( - Third Generation Forum

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97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Saturday, April 07, 2007 1:57 AM
Alright... I know I wrote the FAQ entry on the 2.4 water pump and should know this after doing a dozen or so, but I've been awake for 50+ hours and I'm starting to lose my mind...

I'm FINALLY doing my own water pump (the car's been parked since November of 2005... haha) and I'm having a mother of a time getting the motor mount plate bolted to the side of the block. I've tried every combination of starting one bolt and turning the plate to work the other two in... No dice. I've tried jacking the motor up and down... Nada. I've tried using a piece of wood decking to pry the motor over to the side. Bupkes.

Does anyone have any ideas/tricks/methods that I can't think of at the moment? I've already broken two knuckles, busted two or three more, split the back of my hand open on a pinch weld (super glue ftw, I hate stitches), and dropped the plate on my face while trying to get at the bottom bolt from underneath. My patience is running thin, and I REALLY can't afford to miss another day of work... (I already missed one this week when my truck decided to throw a rod, and one when my bike decided to drop a cylinder on I-79 at 85mph. Still no idea what's going on there, and it's in the thirties here so the scoot wouldn't be an option even if it ran. Fun times.)

Did I mention that I start work in six hours fifty miles from my house? Thanks in advance.

Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Saturday, April 07, 2007 6:35 AM
I never actually did one but I would say attach the mount to the motor first and then attach the mount to the body. Might be alot easier that way.

Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Saturday, April 07, 2007 12:28 PM
That's exactly what I'm doing... If you put the body side of the mount on you wouldn't be able to get to or even see the bolts on the block... There's a metal plate that bolts to the block, then the body half of the mount bolts to that plate, which is the part I'm having trouble with.
Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Sunday, April 08, 2007 10:32 AM
i dont see the problem..your talking about the 3 bolt plate that holds the engine up right? you jack the engine up..bolt the plate on with 3 bolts to the block ..THEN theres two bigger bolts to go on top of it..but i would lower it back down then bolt down the body mount to the body then put the two big bolts on...ive never had trouble with this..your doing something wrong

Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Sunday, April 08, 2007 4:50 PM
We're talking about the plate? Not the mount... I know it's a pain in the ass when there's tons of old threadlock on the threads.... clean 'em up a bit and see if that helps getting them started...

Or whoever last did work on the car could have stretched them... they're torque-to-yield bolts which, according to my GM manual, are supposed to be replaced when you take them out.... I never did tho... never have, I've always just re-used those three.

Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Sunday, April 08, 2007 5:45 PM
Eh, the issue wasn't getting the bolts started, it was getting them to fit between the body and the motor in order to start them. I finally said screw it and unbolted the lower mount, forcing the entire motor over to the side a bit. Thanks for the help though!
Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Sunday, April 08, 2007 5:52 PM
you left the lower mount bolted up? lol ..hell , sometimes i even unbolt the front tranny mount

Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Sunday, April 08, 2007 6:53 PM
It's weird though... I can't remember ever having to undo it before, and I know I got the plate out without undoing the lower. It just boggled my mind between being sleep-deprived and having a little too much Johnnie Walker Black while I was working. I suck at life... haha
Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 12:48 AM
ya im thinking u should of been able to jack the engine up enough to get a wrench pretty easily on those 3 bolts.. even with the lower mount attached i always did anyway i duno
Re: 97 Z24 upper motor mount... :(
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:23 PM
Lower mount keeps the engine from translating up or down just barely less than the upper mount. If you try lifting the engine with the lower mount attatched, you will lift the car.

kornshell wrote:It's weird though... I can't remember ever having to undo it before, and I know I got the plate out without undoing the lower. It just boggled my mind between being sleep-deprived and having a little too much Johnnie Walker Black while I was working. I suck at life... haha



"Youth in Asia"...I don't see anything wrong with that.
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