I have check all the easy things. Its a 2003 chevy cavalier. I've checked fuel, spark, compression, and wiring. It will cank but won't catch. If anyone can help let me know
What did you do to it that it wont start?
Was it working 100% before you shut it off and tried to restart it?
Is the theft light flashing when youre trying to start it?
no theft light and it was runing fine
what were the results of said fuel, spark, and compression tests??
i found out that it is the fuel pump but now i want to put in an aftermarket any recommendations
you get what you pay for....
cheap one wont last as long usually.
make sure it has a new sock, and change the inline filter when you do it.
We have pretty good luck with Bosch pump assemblies at work. John's right , stay away from the cheap crap. they will leave you walking.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
any info on the blazer pump swap
it is in the how to section.
it is overkill for a stock motor.
i had the same problem with my 2003 sunfire, i stuck with a fuelpump that i bought from napa it cost me like $180
but so far my cars been running alot better