Hey J-body members, I am looking to put a graphic on my car very soon and i found this graphic and i need opinions if you think it will look ok on my car in silver...and if possible..could someone photoshop it on my car in silver....thanks
Here is the graphic...remember it will be SILVER..not green
and here is a pic of the car
not sure about the angle so heres another
If your wondering why silver...its because the decals are silver with red outline and im trying to get the red-silver and a little CF theme..
if graphic doesnt come up...keep refreshing the page..for some reason it wont come up sometimes
thanks a ton
.....if i get them...i will get them more of a bright silver..or possible just solid black..not sure
well hopefully you'll get it painted on if you do cuz i think it would be a pain to get them put on over your sides skirts....
but here are a few i did myself... customized it a bit...
I like the black personally...
hey guys thanks again...but i went to the customizing shop tonight and im not getting that cuz it touches the skirts..the owner of the cusomizing shop set me up with a nice lookin graphic and roll call....go to the exterior forum to check it out