i am thinking about buying to 12 inch cvx kickers to go in my truck... the only problem is that they will be in 2 separate boxes....will it sound bad and be just pointless to buy or should i get bigger subs so ppl can hear the bass.... i dont know how good they will sound...i cant have a box deeper then around 9 inches or so....im not sure what i should do..and what is a good amp for these subs and how would u wire them....they rms at 750 and have a total of 1500 together rms
imo, i wouldn't get a kicker. I would look more into a shallow mount subwoofer like a JL w3 shallow, or i think Memphis has a series of shallow mounts. And they will impress you even though they are small.
im a huge kicker fan.but ill tell ya you don't want them subs.
the JL w3 is a really good working sub.but a bit pricey.
look around a bit more.
if your thinking of something that will make your ears bleed lut me know ill hook up up with a 10" TFone...click my siggy.
as for 2 separate boxes...if the boxes are the same and your feeding with one amp its all good.if its 2 amps just tune in the same settings.
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thanks for the advice...but i have to ask, y does everyone give these subs such bad reviews???
I haven't heard them in a car, personally. But have heard them on display. was not impressed at all.
Spend your money once, and do it right. I guarantee you will not be satisfied with the output. I have learned my lesson so far with my audio systems, save your money till you get something you KNOW you will like.
the CVX line up just does not push out the sound very freely.but they do work well for marine and out door use.
good sub to run in stereo but not mono,
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ok..well can someone recommend a sub that i can put in a truck...i need 2 and they need to be 12 inches....i would like them to rms at the least 600.. i have looked and cannot find a good brand.... im only familiar with kicker honestly but i didn't know the cvx's were so bad....i dont think the cvr's will pound like i want..i want ppl to actually hear my subs over the sound of my truck cuz the 2 10 inch comps i have are not doin the trick!!!! are the cvt's better than the cvr's???? help please...
well the Kicker L7 12's are a really good sub.they like to get low.and they don't bottom out easily.the prices are right.the sound is good. 2thums up.
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L7's are known for mechinal failure! haha, you can find a much better sub for the price of an L7. Honestly looking into FI audio, or RE. Both great subs.
kicker is all about spl. sq is not exactly their ball game. although the cvt series doesnt sound too bad because of their high efficiency and low xmax. alpine type X is a good line that while being an spl monster sounds good. the type r line is also quite nice and can handle power (500W RMS and way underrated). mtx is garbage. FI has the Q which is great for SQ, the BTL which is another SPL monster, and the BL which is the all around day to day sub. RE subs, well im only familiar with the XXX which is the SPL god but other than that i donno. Oh and JL while overpriced makes some great subs, not sure which models are good for what tho.
"I did it because I wanted to see what it would look like. You should be greatful that I even told you that it would look good. If your to dumb to use photoshop and change the color of your own car then you don't need to see it changed. I'm not going to give my work away. I'll sell the pic to you though for $15."-Adam Kalin
^^JBO is about not being that guy
If you go with FI, and can possibly fit them behind the seat, go with 2 ssd's. cheapest model, but they sound great, and hit hard.
FI and RE are a a very good sub.
alpine hahaha if your looking for a nice sounding pop when it blows.
Rockford is just as bad.
mtx lame hah
iv over powered the L7's day in day out.not a sub to buy for SQ but one hell of a spl sub.and it can be rebuild.
ill sell you a TFone 430$ new +shipping
58lb ratted up to 6000Wrms
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I have too kicker cvx 12's in my srt4 and had them in my sunfire b4 that. They are sum of the best subs i have had yet. I have a 1000watt sony explode amp on them its decent but im not good with tuning so it works for now..
I had a JBL, American Pro, Kicker, and one other type but by far theses are the best. JL's from what I have seen are really good.
5 seconds to find another street...
lol...finally...one good feedback on the cvx's...but thanks to everyone for all your help and advice...im afraid im going to have to try these subs for my self and hook them to a Kicker zx 1500.1 and see how it sounds...if its bad you guys can say i told you so! haha... one last question..how do i have to wire them if i am going to give each sub 750 watts a piece???? 1 ohm????
the ZX1500.1 will do a good job.
in the long run keep the amp and toss the subs.
the average out put of the zx1500.1 is 1700rms at 14V
kicker has always made killer amps
wire them to come back at 2ohm so the amp runs stable.
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You can go with the cvx till you have enough money to buy something better and then use the cvx for home audio hehe