I'll start off by saying that I love Compustars products. They're super flexible and a breeze to install, however.
I work in a stereo shop and it's starter season. In the last month we have had about 4 Compustar 5000 series starters "smoke". A capacitor on the board literally explodes. I talked to one of the reps and he told me that they've had about 6 other cases outside of our bay of the exact same situation.
I'm not going to tell anyone not to buy compustar, in fact the opposite, they've done great for years, BUT...
If you're looking at buying any of their products other than their AM frequency starters (A whole different platform), I would hold off until the recall goes into effect.
A buddy of mine has mentioned that before too. I do strictly Omega gear, and haven't had any problems yet.
thanks for teh heads up....i do mostly viper and prestige. No problems except for teh viper remotes....they suck ass!! Esp the 2 way...they either always break or lose programing
Hey ill', since this is my won thread I'll jack it to ask you a question, since you do viper and all.
When you want to set starters *I'm talking 5501, 5901, etc. the new series) for automatic transmission, what am I doing wrong?
it's option 3-1
-Key on, off
-Push, hold antenna button until 3 flashes
(led flashes once every two seconds or so)
-Push antenna button once, then hold
(flashes once)
-Push unlock
(led flashes twice)
-Push antenna button?
I keep having to use a bitwriter and it's just bugging the hell out of me.
I haven't been able to make it work without.
well there are 2 things your missing....
-You HAVE to have the siren or horn hooked up to properly programs these damn things! Or at least an audible source...these new vipers are IMPOSSIBLE to program with out some type of sound... There is a BIG delay between the light flash and the siren/horn output during programing.
-Also it is 3-1 option 2 BUT you have to press twice hold on second press not press once and hold...and you gotta press lock not unlock. When you press it lock you'll hear the siren/horn beep twice. thats how you know your in automatic mode....
I dont like the new vipers too much...the brain is HUGE and programing is a PITA but it does have some sweet features with the built in relays and such... I do these all the time so if you have any questions let me know!
I did a charger the other day for r/s which the horn is + and under the hood so i hooked up the (-) horn wire from the viper to the (-) wire of the siren and the (+) wire of the siren to 12 volts just to PROGRAM!!! it just wont program any other way....unless you use the bitwriter... GL!
btw the first one i installed it took me almost an hour to program cuz i USED to leave the siren for last...not any more...LOL
oh btw next time you install one let me know if i helped you out....LOL
You can also hook up a TEST LIGHT to the Horn output and watch it flash to simulate the horn/siren.
I've never had any problems with any Compustar products, however I stopped working at a Compustar dealre in 07. We (my family) all have Compustar on our vehicles. I have the 2-way Alarm/Start combo on my Daily Driver.
Good looking on this post. Wonder if they had a bad batch and if they know what dates they were made on??
good ish with the test light trick...i didnt think about that.....you got any other install tricks?? lol i do my diode isolation with crimp caps and some wire...
Saw a co-worker of mine use his "LOGIC PROBE" on a remote start years ago and his Logic Probe made a DING sound for ground and a Buzz sound for positive, so he actually had sound. Mine is just Red or Green, but it works the same.