im designing a new box for a 15" BTL and i want to incorperate plexiglass (lexan) for show purposes. how thick would it have to be so that way i dont lose and spl. the new setup would be for a sub and port firing forward with the trunk sealed off. the plexiglass piece would be in the trunk. along with the amp(s).
so how thick?
i was thinking in the .50" range but im not sure. i guess it would depend on the size it covers?
thanks for the help.
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1/2" unless you're making a pretty large panel.
How are you planning to seal it to the wood?
bradsk88 wrote:1/2" unless you're making a pretty large panel.
How are you planning to seal it to the wood?
i plan on sandwiching it in between 2 pieces of wood. the back side for the box would have a larger hole compared to the front piece in the trunk. so that way you dont see the wood....
but i dont know how im going to do it or how big im going to do it. but i would say aorund 12" wide by around 8 inches high.
thanks for your help
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The whole rear face of my box for my tens was 1/8 inch plexi and it flexed quite a bit. 1/2 would probably do it.
TheSundownFire wrote:The whole rear face of my box for my tens was 1/8 inch plexi and it flexed quite a bit. 1/2 would probably do it.
I bet that sounded like a bag full of smashed @!#$s
Yes sir she did. I would not suggest doing that. I didnt build it though. I bought a used setup. Trust me my systems increased exponentially in quality.
3/4 Asked the question before (check out the fi forums or Granted I was using an 18, i would still go 3/4. I had to rebuild a few things on my box because of the flex...