wondering if ANYONE can help me.. My wife had a Eclipse AVN5500 double din in her Scion TC and a few years ago, the Map disc broke, well about a year ago her battery went dead and when we put a new one in, the double din will not work without the disc being put in, its a Anti theft thing, So im asking if anyone would have a copy or know where i could get one without paying over 100 dollars for a disc. ECLIPSE AVN MAPS MDV-09D..Thats the compatible disc.. Thank in advance, Im looking to put this Double Din in my Cav if i can get a disc...
there are two of them on ebay right now for under 80 dollars.. maybe bite the bullet and spend the money? i know if i were in that spot i'd just get a new deck at that point. to each his own.
Have a nice day.
Have you tried contacting Fujitsu Ten? Got the original receipt?