I have had boost for about 5000 miles now. The problem I am having now is that I cant hit my 10psi that I was. Its really got a 8psi wastegate on it, but somehow it always used to hit 10. Now it only hits 8psi.
Any suggestions? I am thinking that the wastegate's spring isnt as stiff as it once was maybe. Nothing has changed, except the intake filter setup and oil viscosity. My cavalier suffers from the common lifter problem, and I used 10-40w to help quiet it down. I wouldnt think the differnnce in oil would really put that much extra stress on the spinning of the bearing in the turbo.
How's your tuning? Pretty rich? Still got a cat in there? Could be plugging....
That or a gradual leak opening up somewhere.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Oh yea. The cat could be a cause. A while ago I was getting a missfire at an idle because I was too rich at idle, and the cat was being damaged. You could tell becasue of the smell. So I should definatly look into the cat being the problem. That just passed my mind.
Had this happen to me twice. It was the cat. Boosting with little to no tuning = quick death of the catalytic.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
or just kill the kitty
that way it cant get plugged haha