i have a t3 turbo that has i guess alot of shaft play in it. if u grab the impeller or propellers ( what ever they are called) u can move the shaft and everything up and down. it seems really loose. does anyone know how to fix it? i think u can just replace the bearings in it. would that help and what ever i need to fix it, does anyone know where to get the parts for a good price ? thanks alot.
If it has bushing, there should be some shaft play, if it's bearings, you need to replace them or the shaft itself.
2.3 Ho
send it into a dealer and have them rebuild it.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
I have rebuild instructions on my cardomain site for a standard T3 turbocharger.
What is acceptable shaft endplay for a bushed T3? I have one sitting in the garage that has about .030" of play on the compressor side, and half that on the turbine side.
<img src=http://ourworld.cs.com/jwithspray/Nitrosig13303.JPG>
mine has a very noticable amount, never actually measured it but I'd say probably .05 on the compressor side. It almost seems like it would be enough for the wheel to crash out, but as long as it's balanced right you should be fine. Once the turbo has oil pressure in it the shaft will "float" in the center.
<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~richnj221/smiley.gif>
I have rebuild instructions on my cardomain site for a standard T3 turbocharger.
so when u replaced those bearings, did it help the shaft play in it or did it have ne before? that is what i need to know but that did help alot in taking the sob apart! thanks on that one. lol o yea, i have that same front clip on my grandam and i busted the same side as u did on it twice! that piece is a bitch to get to look right and fit again! neways, thanks.
hey, not to post jack or anything but your email doesnt work. i was trying to send you a reply but i got a return to sender
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Yes, on mine it got rid of almost all of the shaft play. There is still going to be alittle bit with an older center section like the one from the TB03 that I used. If your wheels are correctly balanced then you will be fine.
ok thanks alot. i think i am goin to get new bearings and put them in and see what happens. its not like that can hurt the turbo any anyways.