ecotec clutch change questions - Transmission Forum
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ok, i want to change my clutch and flywheel, i have the parts, but am not 100% sure on the procedure, how do i remove the transmission, is it just unhook the linkage, and unbolt it, or what, and what are the torque specs for everything.........the car is a 2003 cavalier
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
HA!!, Are you serious??
Anyways, remove your front bumper and all the plastic garbage in the wheel if you have it.
Take the wheels off, unhook hte spindle from the strut, disconnect the tie rod end, and slide the axle out of the tranny
It is held in there with a locking pin so you just have to pry and IT WILL come out, just don't mess up the axle SEAL!!
On the top, I guess pull the starter out, or not, it MIGHT interfere. lol
I usually just unbolt the brake master from the booster and move it toward the strut tower out of the way., disconnect the shifting cables, vss sensor and the reverse tail light sensor.
If your battery is still in the engine bay yuou might wanna disconnect the battry before anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Support the tranny with a spare jack and undo the 2 tranny mounts.
Also, to make your life easier just undo the lower motor mount so that motor can lean, so that the tranny drops and clears the chassis rail.
loosen up the bell housing bolts and pry the tranny from the motor cause it is held in by the dowel pins.
Drop the tranny, it weighs in at about 100 lbs or so.
Take the 6 bolts off the prassure plate that is on the flywheel, and the disk WILL come out too.
and then another 6 for the flywheel.
Install according to TQ specs for AT LEAST THE PRESSURE PLATE AND THE FLY WHEEL!!!!!!
Bell housing make sure it is tight as hell, and all the other stuff doesn't really require the proper TQ but if you wanna waiste time you can dig up the specs on all that stuff.
Good luck man.
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



thanks man, i guess i was close, i just never did this kind of work before and don't wanna screw up my car, but also hate taking stuff to a shop, i figure if i always take stuff to a shop, how will i ever learn anything
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Are you doing this on the ground?? Im about to put i slave cylinder in but i dont think i would try to do anything trans related on the ground.
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yeah, on hte ground, its all i got, i got some real big jackstands, i think i can mange it........i hope, if not you'll all hear from me asking for help
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Well im pulling my trans out tomorrow, if you want i can get some pictures and do a clutch replacement tutorial. Im just pulling the trans and clutch tomorrow so that whent he clutch comes in i will just have to throw it all back together. So my car will be resting in the bay next to me at work, must keep a very close eye on my baby lol.
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well im done for today, got it all ready so tommorrow all i gotta do is drop the tranny so hopefully the rest of tommorow will be question though.........what is the torque specs for everything? i don't have a manual, because haynes and chilton don't have one yet, so anyone with the gm manual know the specs?
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I finally got my car on the lift... looks like in the morning im putting an engine cradle on top to support the engine, and taking out the subframe... that way i dont have to wrestle with the trans to get it out there, doesnt seem like it will be a hard task though.
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nah,im down to just removing the axels...i need a socket to get the nut off of the axle at the wheel hub....but don't have one and no money to get one, or i suppose i could just seperate the tie rod and remove the whole wheel hub and axel as a unit.......other than that its just popping off the tranny, i don't think the process is that hard, i just ran into tool issues
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
ok, its mostly back togeteher...its taking a while because i get to work about 1 or 2 pm and stop about 5 or so.....but i just need to mount the brakes, battery, intake, and washer contianer.......wasn't too hard..but like SunCavi_L61T3/T04E said, you gotta undo the lower motor mount to reinstall the damned thing, it won't go back in with the motor fully installed
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
oh yeah, one more not drop a craftsman ratchet onto your forehead when tightening the lower tranny mount.....i got a hell of a bump and a bad headache from that one..........
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Heh i use airtools so if i do that it will prob hurt a little more lol... Today i got everything up top disconnected, put on the engine hoist, removed axles and unfastened the lower ball joints, now i just have to unbolt and remove the subframe, then slide the trans out.
Now i just need my clutch to get here lol.
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woohoo finally done......everything together, car drives good, flywheel is awsome..i love it, but i need to learn how to drive with it, the tires wanna spin everytime i take little question though.......the pedal is real soft, like it takes no effort to push it down, is this normal, i thought the spec stage 3 was supposed to be stiff???
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Just how mine is, i was expecting a hard pedal but i really love it, easy pedal and it grabs like crazy. I havnt had any problems driving it... expected it alot worse but i do LOVE the clutch.
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Bleed it some more, and the other guy,.
Why would you take the sub frame out, if you loosen the lower mount it has no problem coming off or going up. lol But whatever,
I am glad you guys liked the write up cause as a slow typer it took me about 10-15 minutes, it went to a good cause. lol
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



well it wasn't hard to remove, just a few more bolts, no big deal, i just wanted it to go as easy as possible
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
Yea the subframe is light and real easy to remove... i have heard horror stories of J-bodys trying to twist the trans 180 degrees to bring it out. Without the subframe it slides right out and back in.
If it was a big subframe i would leave it in, but all you have to do is unbolt the rack and move it away, pull out the retainers that clip the brakelines to the subframe, undo the balljoints (a hammer and big prybar for me), then 6 bolts on the subframe and its out.
As for the bleed it some more comment, we bled if for an hour and a half before we gave up... its gunna stay an easy pedal lol. I think its so soft because its a hydraulic unit, your not supposed to feel how heavy the springs really are. Im sure if it was a cable clutch we would all regret installing a stage 3.
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i also heard that it tightens up after a couple of hundred miles.....dunno, guess i'll see, but i like the soft pedal.......just wonder if the car does.........hmmm
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
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