ok Ive gotten the front tranny mount installed after some minor set backs. lol I removed the windsheild washer fuild tank and drained it. well when i filled it up i forgot to connect the lines back up well i scrambled to get it in place while the fuild is pooring on me
. ahh the funs of doing work while dead tired. But my question is with the rear mount how do i get to the bolt where the bushing is. I looked and I just need a lil guidence on how is the best way to access that bolt. I can get the the other 3 easily. I thought about moving the brake block where the lines connect then i didnt want to let air or anything into it so thats why i brought my attention to here. Thanks for the help so far just with the front mount i feel a difference with the mount installed. I cant wait to see how it feels with both of them installed.
Go from the bottom up right next to the oil pan. You'll have to weasel your arm to get it started but you can get a wrench on it at an odd angle.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
ok thanks thats all i needed to know
well tried what you sugested and i can get a socket wrench in there but i dont have enough room to crank on it so im gonna have to get a air wrench and use that i guess