Lately,when i start the car up(cold start)i have been hearing noises coming from the trans,i popped the hood and it sounded like a spray paint can when you shake it,kind of a semi-clunking noise i guess?I have a 98 cav 4t40e trans,4 speed,one of the other noises i heard was rattling but that ended up being the pullies that are a little loose,any idea?Low fluid?Haven't checked the fluid level screw yet.I also have the B&M shiftPlus hooked up on Stage 1
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Only when its cold? You absolutely sure its comin from the trans?
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sounds like it,when the car was warm i took a long flathead,put in on the housing and listened and didn't hear anything unusual so it could be coming from the motor,but the car runs great,doesn't leak anything,normal oil changes,i've had the car since 104,000, has 118,000 now and as far as i know the trans filter hasn' been changed or the fluid,i just put some more Lucas in it so we'll see
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"