Hi guys. I have a question i am trying to removal my2.4 from my 4 speed auto and not succeeding.I have all 7 bolt incld the stud nut out all ready. Everything looks like it is ready to go but i cant seem to get the trans to seperate from the block, it seems to be stuck.(i also have the tourgue convertor bolts out as well so its not that).can any one tell me what i might be doing wrong, or might knw what the prob is? please help...thanx. oh ya i have also looked and searched like crazy for info and nothing.
did you take off the mount? I could swear there's a bolt or two by the passenger side axle, but I don't remember. try that and good luck
Getting "better built" for the '08...
Theres a bracket that connects the tranny to the engine. Its on the back of the engine and connects to the transmission near the pass side axle.
gtpsunfire wrote:Theres a bracket that connects the tranny to the engine. Its on the back of the engine and connects to the transmission near the pass side axle.
are you talking about the trans mount ?if so no i havent, do i need to?. I have the engine mounts both out. And tell me more on this bracket, it is on the back of the motor,under the trans? or were is it located.. sorry for all the questions, this is the first time i have actully pulled the motor.