Does any body have part numbers for the Isuzu 1 piece synchros that fit the 97 cavalier 5sp trans ?
and do I need any thing more to make the 1 piece synchros work in that trans ?
You will need the 1st and 2nd gear out of the correct Geo Storm tranny that has one piece synchros. The 1 piece synchro race is a larger diameter than the 3 piece syncrho race, and is pressed on with a .006" press fit, which is a rediculous amount of press, so it's basically impossible to get off the gear without warping it.
From everything I've found and from talking to the guys at the 1 piece synchros aren't year specific in the Geo Storms, so it's basically a crap shoot on weather you get the right tranny or not.
This thread has just about all the info I have on the 1 piece synchros:
1 piece synchro on the right, 3 piece on the left

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.