I left my Cavy in storage for about 5 months, this was during the winter months, when I got it out about a month ago The rims were dirty , but when I went to clean them, they wouldnt come clean... I thought it was mineral deposits, but I got a cleaner specially made for that and it still aint comin off. It almost looks as if its eaten through the top coating, this is only the Polished lip that is like this, They are Enkei Rims.
Anyone have any suggestions or know a quick fix?
This stuff worked well on some junkyard special alloys I had. Went from rough shape to almost chrome appearance. Unsure on how it would do on newer wheels, or the finish on them.
<img src="http://www.webgraffiti.it/gif/smile12/smile197.gif"></img>
If the rims are clear coated it may have ate thru the clear coat they make a clear coat remover and than rim can be sanded down and polished if not you can just sand and polish it takes work and time need to start with heavier grit and work down to very fine grit and high speed polish and if you wanna keep the shine with out having to polish all the time can use stuff called zoop heres website