2 of my latest products:
I can do the inner fuse door decal in any color scheme. Mine is now black on silver - I also did my driver door decals the same way (the ones with the tire pressure info, etc.)
Stock look with a custom feel!
I've got a lot of new stuff to show you guys - it'll have to wait until all of my current orders are shipped, which I have to go finish up right now...
Blue Cav Customs
im interested in that piece..how much does it run
the only thing im concerned with is peeling...since the peice isnt completely wrapped..its just a carbon fiber piece cut to size and then glued to the fuse cover
Steve,lookin good like usual!!! cant wait to get my door inserts to see how pimp those look!!!!
simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
i thought there were 2 new products. all i see is the fuse door
<A HREF="http://www.cardomain.com/id/eazy716"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/eazy716/personal_pic.gif" BORDER="0"></A>
It shouldn't peel - the tape covers the whole back.
There are 2 new products related to the fuse door - the second one is that inner door decal.
Titus - not trying to compete with you - my product is a little different and will probably cost more than yours. I will make you a deal - I won't advertise in your threads if you give me the same respect. You and I have a competitor on eBay selling cheap fake cf decals that we should worry about more than each other.
Not available for sale yet - I still need to adjust it a little bit, but I will contact those on my email list when it is.
To everyone else - thanks for your usual support!
Tomorrow, you will get a preview of 3 new products that everyone will love.
Blue Cav Customs
not to point out the obvious but what is up with how it is fitting there around the squeeze thing?
im not trying to advertise. I just think that my fellow org members should be given the best price for everything. Also a while back ago you said that you weren't even going to make this piece cause I made it. What happened to that. I don't sell my stuff to make a profit, as you can tell be the price. I just want to give the j-body community products that are good and very very cheap.
Yeah, I redesigned that part today. I needed to drop that area 1/16" for a closer fit. Sometimes the templates need to be adjusted between the software I use and the software my cutter uses for his machinery.
These pics are just my prototypes for now.
Titus -
Look, I have no intention of getting involved in thread warfare with you. I have every intention of releasing every single part that my customers suggest and request and I'm sorry if someone else claims to have "made them first". There are only so many parts that can be covered with CF, and I have to offer a full line. After having several people offer to buy them, I had to provide it. I tried to make mine different by leaving a little room at the edges and not copying the tab you put on yours where the latch is. And that's all I'm going to do as far as a concession goes.
If you want to spend your time and energy for little profit, that is totally your decision. I spend hours and hours of design time getting my templates and spend hundreds of dollars to mass produce my items, which then must have further hours spent to inspect, finish, package and ship. This is in addition to all of my emailing, photographing, fitting, refitting, redesigning and a full-time job and family. I plan to get paid for my time. That's what our economic system is based on. Not one of my customers has complained about my prices and I believe them to be fair.
I've already got a great customer base and several dealers - bashing me in this forum will not make me go away. In the end, you will just make yourself look bad if you keep this up.
I even offered to send customers your way when I was out of stock on certain items - there is absolutely no reason for this attitude.
I would really appreciate it if you would lay off now. There's plenty of carbon fiber customers for everyone. If it makes you feel any better, I plan to move on to other cars, such as the Sunfire, sometime this summer. I'm concentrating on the Cavs right now because I have one, and want to practice on something I have full 24/7 access to.
to steve-
lol titus didnt really have as much of an attitude as you just had steve....i think you need to calm down a little bit and not take things so offensively
to both of you -
you both have products that are the same....and whether you like it or not its competition for peoples business...thats how the world works..get over it
Wow, that's hot! I want one!
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
I want one too!!... oh, wait... I have a 'Fire.
just kidding. Nice work. Can't wait for the Sunfire line.
96Z24Colorado (The Other Matt) wrote:you both have products that are the same....and whether you like it or not its competition for peoples business
Yep, this is how we get better products *and* better prices. Business competition kicks ass!
Looks real good Steve. I may look into getting a red on black inner panel from you in the near future. I've got a massive interior renovation coming up.
Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
steve man....how come you never answer my emails? i really need those panels ASAP. got a race/show coming up and i need those to cover the mess GM left under my hood
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Did not mean to show major attitude - just trying to be firm as to my intentions and plans for the future. I like Titus - he has been a customer and was nice enough to send me a free fuse door cover once (which I did NOT trace to resell!
). I think it would be best if any future "issues" were settled through email.
The email thing does not seem to be working out, as I have still not received any from you! lol
Give me a call at (703) 203-5439 anytime after 6pm and we'll arrange that sponsorship. I'd like to possibly work some CF items in as well.
I'm really not dodging you - I said I'd sponsor you and have every intnetion of doing so - talk to you soon.
After reading over my last post I see no bashing coming from me. I too dedicate a lot fo time and effort into getting these products to the j-body community. And the price that you ask the fellow memebers to pay is redicoulous. I mean come on who would pay 25 for a round piece for the door handle. That piece can be made for like 12. Anyways, there is no point in getting anything started. Your doing a great job so far so keep it up.
Too bad you cant see it when youre driving.
You don't drive when your at a show. You usually have the doors open and people acutally see this piece.
anyone want a REAL c/f wrapped fuse door?
just kidding guys......
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
lol ^^^^^ funny thing is its true though tabasco
yours is the real deal
Ben don't worry, I got a modified panel ready to ship out to you after I get my first stuff.