Im tryin to put in the rear bench cushion, but i cant get those stupid clips to do anything
Are the black plastic clips still in the hole they clip into in the floor ......if so take them out and clip them onto the seat first. And if they are clipped onto the bottom of the seat already make sure both parts of the clip r clipped in.....they pretty much have to be clipped in at the same time.......with the curved part of the clip facing towards the front of the car.....if u know what i'm saying. Tuck the back of the seat under the back rest of the seat and then clip it in.......u may have to push the seat towards the truck to line up the clips with the mounting holes.
As for your front seat .........u say only two of the floor bolts line up, and i suppose that is on one side. If so your seat track is probably off one side isn't even with the other. Just put the seat in with the inside seat bracket first and then pull the lever to side the seat back and forth .........moving it to line up the other side. hope that helps...if you need more details just ask and i'll try to help out.
hmm yeah, puttin the clips on the seat first...good idea .
Ill try that out