Ok so im thinkn of doing my full dash and im curious as to wat people this is better... wet sanding or fiber glassing the dash??? i mean ive wet sanded other misc parts and it looks real nice and smooth but i just dont no about the whole dash... ne suggestions?
Well if you do both correctly, you wont notice a differeance.
Shifted wrote:You can't really sand vinyl
Ya you can.
If you're talkin about the vinyl part of the dash I would fiberglass it. If you're talkin about the rest of the interior, like said above, if done right you shouldn't notice a difference.
yea you can sand the door panels down and do them but the top dash, you cant sand it and make it look smooth.
first off you dont sand fabric aka vinyl.... second of all in order to FG the dash i would recomend either taking the whole dash out or somehow getting quite a few layers down in order to control warping... b/c if you glass the dash pad off the dash there is no guarantee that it will fit correctly b/c we all know that they are very flimsy outside of the car...
and lets not waste this guys post arguing about who sanded their vinyl...
Fiberglass the dash out of the car and take some measurements on how the dash sits in the car and make a stand for the dash to sit on while you fiberglass it so it holds it shape. Thats whati did and mine fits like a glove. Also, you cant neccessairly just wetsand the plastic and paint it, you need to primer it then wet sand the primer before paint.
waht i did was bought a spare dash resin on top of the vynal scuffing up the vynal so it sticks to it (no tit doesnt fall off) take the dash out of the car the sunfire dash has structure and should stay the same shape resing matte resin then bondo for smoothing primor then paint
my finished product
man I'd almost pay someone to make my vinyl look like that.... anyone in the dayton area do this sorta work?
**changes are here**
IM telling you man...vinyl shrink and expands in different types of weather so chances are its going to crack and fall apart....especially if you didnt add and fiberglass cloth or mesh to it.
Hey bummerz how long did that take ya??? and do you think you could do a write up for me so i can do mine like that???
mine is fiberglassed it wont crack or break i've drove the car every day for the last 3 months like that no problems