i cant see them the pics , all i see is X boxes. but post pics ASAP. love to see a troch red cavalier with Konig Theories.
Must look awesome.
im all bout tha X's too bro
2000 2.2L Turbocharged Pontiac Sunfire SE
Proudly Sponsored by:
| Aerogear | Krazy Kustomz | Cubed Productions | Vibrant Performance | Modified Motorsports |
Right click and say "View Image" it worked for me.
Hey mark - did you paint it yet ?
i just cant wait to see his car painted! Mark, is it going to be painted this week ?
It wont be painted this week or prolly not the next..depends how things go, but im looking forward to it because once i paint it i can put my 19's on and im all set...ill post pics when its done
whats wrong w/ omni? i used ppg omni on my kit and it worked just fine.....

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
^ I agree, Omni is made by PPG. My car looks good with it.
J-body of Kentucky
omni is ppg's economy line, but its definitely worth buying.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
how much did all that cost you?
Same question as Above ^^^^^^
gotta get some paint soon
my guess is 200-400$

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
for a gallon of torch red,reducer,clear, and activator was 270
mark, cant wait to see it.
should have gone with ppg DBC. It cost more, but that is for a reason.
i got every single supply from car quest in metallic green for my other car, for $400 CDN total (no dealer discount), (50-60 of that was tax, and I got cleat coat, primer, and adhesion promoter, and yes, theres i believe 3 activators, 1 reducer)