I was wondering if anybody had pics of a sunfire or cavalier with suicide doors, and also a 4-door cavalier with lambo doors, if so, please post them. Thanks.
do a search for bagged95cavy i know he has suicide but im sure if you looked around youll find some. in fact one of my posts has a 4 door with all lambos. it was my post about lambos. look 4 it i think it was "before the big rush of vert doors"
Streaker1369 wrote:in fact one of my posts has a 4 door with all lambos.
that wasn't a cavalier though. as of right now, there is no bolt on way to have the rear doors of a j body open up lambo style.
i had a lamboed 4dr but dunno post pic on here.. i have a pic on my profile page tho...check it out
Thanks for posting those pics sevenonesixcavy! That is one hot J! I can't wait until he is finished with his headlight conversion!
Thanks for the pics. Those suicide doors look great.
thats the one i was talking about
hey cannon i know it wasnt a cav but i figured he wanted to see the pic
sevenonesixcavy - whos the guy standing next to the building..looks hot!!!
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/its2nv4/achop.jpg">
Somebody did a chop of my car with lambos in the front, trust me it looks as hot as it does on the 2 doors

Also there is a red Sunfire with lambo'ed fronts, very hot stuff.
This is the chop of my car.
now that just weird....i wouldnt rock a 4dr with verticals, only a 2dr...sorry
question do I gotta shave locks or anything for suicide doors? or can I just get the kit? I want suicide doors and my handles lol
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
thanx for postin the pics of my car,...as for shaving the door handles and locks..yes it has to be done...and the guy standing next top the building is the guy who did the doors for me outside of his shop..
thanx for the post and the comments guys
phlatcav had lambo fronts on his sedan, i'm pretty sure he took them off though
quick, just shave them then move the handles to the front of the door and some how rig it to work from there. that would look sweet.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/cig%20copy.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"