Just wanted you all to know that there is coverage on www.ministyle.com of the GM Small Car Bash 2005.
Heres the link to the page.
GM Bash 05 Photos
they have some sweet pics
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
i saw DTP with his pose... "deer in headlights" in there
at least i think it was dtp with his mouth hangin open standing next to that hot girl in a skirt....
Nice Pics
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WTF? they took a picture of my half gutted, under construction, interior... but didnt get the completed, super shiney, exterior, lol. the crappiest part of my car and its the only thing they took a pic of, lol. the door panels arent even there, lol.
Found my car:
And me and my friend (I'm on the right and my friend is on the left. I have no idea who the guy in the middle is. If you know him, tell him there's a nice pic of him online):
they have 5 nice pics of my car. thanks mini-style
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Seems they missed all of the MI guys! Love it....
no pics of my car but i saw myself
Does anyone know of any other mags that were there takin' pics? Perhaps there's more pics of our cars on other websites.
I had a nice business card from Gauge Magazine, so they should have coverage up soon!
I wouldn't care if they missed my car, but they missed the whole center field of like 20 cars!
wut rims are on the street line cav?
Hey they took 7 pics of my sunfire.
I'm going to add more M&M's to the interior.
Nice pics, finally got to see my car on a website lol.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ