yea every one asks me that.. car was in a light front collision and i guess they put a base model bumber on it and the fog lights from the ls sport...
Nice dual exhaust, this pic reminds me of the GM advertising for th 03 cav.
Cavalier,,,, The ultimate Rally, lets go skiing in the Mountains Vehicle!!
hey, i forgot what my car looked like stock
great color. duals look real cleanly done. id put the ceter grill back in looks kinda strange. and look into a front lip for it. have fun with it perfict starting point

Member of J-body of Michigan.
yea well when i was driving my girlfriend home the center grill flew off and got run over by some cars lol so its all scuffed up and the clips are rippied off .. anyone know what elce i could put there?
Nice looking car it looks really clean
i like it, especially what you did with the rear lip...however - since you did something to the rear lip it attracts attention, and having two different exhaust tips shows more than it should.