Well i went and picked up the wheels tonight and brought them home to start cleaning them up. It's gonna be more work than i had originally intended. We're going to strip the clearcoat off of the lip itself, polish them up, and have them recleared. For 50 bucks, they were well worth the price. It was nice out, so i started on the worst one....on with some pics....
what the worst one originally looked like
a little bit of simple green, some light sandpaper and a little mothers wheel polish on the lip
after about 45 minutes of sanding and polishing
an overall view of the worst one after tonight
I still have a long way to go....but as long as it stays nice out, i should have them on in a couple weeks. As far as the drop goes, i'm just waiting on the springs to get here. Tein springs and kyb agx's will go on the first nice day that my buddy has free. I'll update more pics as it comes along. here's a shot of the blank canvas
Impressive. Didn't even realize they were gold until you cleaned them
I'm a bitch. Look out. I'm here to start drama.
Please take everything I say seriously.
man you did a good job cleaning those rims up. they should look good on the car
how did they get that bad?
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I bet when u first bought em you thought that stuff was just gonna wash off didnt you?
look great, like said didnt realize they were gold till they were cleaned. those will look great on your car. you should swing by to the march meet dropped or not
Ugly rim, not worth the effort. I cant believe someone would do that to them though
STYLEZ wrote:Ugly rim, not worth the effort. I cant believe someone would do that to them though
$50? not worth the effort? I am not a fan of bronze/gold wheels, and i do find the lip a bit big, but for that price, and a little work, i think its pretty amazing. Keep on truckin man, bronze wheels look best on blue or green cars, post up some pics after installation and after drop. should be good
Try EZ OFF over cleaner and a Scotch Brite pad. I think that should work alot faster and easier for you, just MAKE SURE TO MASK off the spokes!!!
Well, i woke up today having the feeling that today would be a good day. Turns out that i was right. My springs showed up at work around 10:30, my new haste the day cd got here, it's sunny and 74 outside, and my buddy has the night off. I'm heading over there after work today to get the car lowered and to work some more on cleaning the wheels up.
As far as the meet goes for saturday, i'm hoping that i'll be able to at least swing by for a bit.
And the condition of the wheels for those who have asked. They used to be on an 04 wrx that a guy my brother-in-law works with bought over the winter. The previous owner was some punk 18 yr old who beat the hell out of the car and didn't take care of it AT ALL. Fortunately for myself, the new owner, and the car itself, the original owner could no longer afford the insurance. The plans for now are to get them cleaned up so i can put them on for the summer. With the amount of driving i do, they'll more than likely need tires before next year. Depending on how they come out, I may leave them as is or if they're still rough, then i'll have them stripped and powdercoated before next summer. I am a huge fan of gold rims on blue cars, so i'm hoping to keep them gold.
and yes stephen, i was HOPING and PRAYING that most of it would just wash off....but i knew deep down that it was going to take a lot of work.
yeah ive always like those rims, and i remember they are kinda hard to track down....blue on gold doesnt get much hotter - hell of a steal at that price, those rims are worth more than that.
Someone should be ashamed of letting their wheels get like that... But its good your giving them new life again...
Nity9CavSedanCRJ wrote:Someone should be ashamed of letting their wheels get like that... But its good your giving them new life again...
You ain't lyin!

JASON's "AIR RIDE MAFIA" (airbagsource.com)
well it's been nice out....but i haven't touched the wheels. However, i did make some progress
during.....my bud andy demonstrating proper safety measures....safety goggles and a batting helmet.
and finally after

gotta love having 2 arrival blue cavys to compare in the driveway. I'll get some better pics in the daylight...and once it stops raining
i went with the kyb agx's and the tein s-techs. i know that the struts won't be warranteed over a 1.5" drop, and the s-techs are a little more than that....but it's lower than the pro-kit and shouldn't be too low for the struts. I'm hoping to order some strut bars this weekend, and then it's time to start saving for a new trunk lid/tail lights, a lip kit, or an exhaust....but possibly all 3.
I am starting to think my cavy was lowered before I got it. That is almost the difference between my car and my girls car. Mine doesn't look quite that low in the front. Get the wheels on and get us some pics. I want to see how that color looks on the blue. I have 2 arrivals blues in the driveway too. One with razzi kit, other stock. I am looking at different color wheels and possibly gold or bronze. Looks good.

2004 Cavalier. Razzi. (Sold)
1998 Corvette. Some mods.
1992 Typhoon. Lots of mods.
1994 Civic VX 44MPG
good pickup on the wheels, gonna look great on there when your all done. suspension is not low enough for me, but its good quality stuff.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
Jake-Looks good, bronze/gold on blue looks great in my opinion(I'm biased I suppose). If you're looking for trunk/tails, I've got a shaved trunk and a set of aftermarket tails I'm wanting to get rid of. Shoot me a pm if you're interested.

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
The front looks like its at a good height but the back still looks kinda high IMO, but if your happy then thats all that matters. Congrats!
crap....sorry for the double post.....copied the wrong link
sexy combination! Looks great
Best quarter mile to date - 15.750 @ 85.82
"We ride together, we die together. Bad Boys for life"

Nimbus 9, some friends of my that rock! Click and experience them for yourself
Looks great for $50 now, don't it?