SO I had to borrow them from my 02.
Drop or no Drop, I think these Chrome Hagens are the BOMB! Look how the Chrome reflects the light onto the parking lot.

I miss my car, soon enough it will be finished and I'll be out hittin switches again!

I did drive the 02 yesterday down the street to calibrate my Navigation antenna, hit a few switches for 2miles and put it back in the garage to finish the system.
It was so SUNNY today I had to swap the wheels and go wash the car.

I have some things that I'm doing to BOTH rides in the next few weeks to come, I'll post pics when I get the parts. Until then I'll rock the 19's on the DD.
HOT! man...put some switches on the DD too!!!
you've unoffically DONKED a Cavalier. lol.
(matt, says hi to his mexican friend)
Now switch the air-ride over!
Wow, very shiney and super clean!
Full Cav Effect (stenger) wrote:you've unoffically DONKED a Cavalier. lol.
Funny you say that...theres a sunfire sedan here on 20s with stock suspension. Donking J's gonna be the next craze??
Hottness as always, makes me want 19's
Yes to a drop!!! Air ride would be nice!
Nity9CavSedanCRJ wrote:Mmmm...... bling bling..
"If it is not sitting on 22's or better.... park it!"
Just jokin'. Nice week warrior you got right there.
Nicest rims ever...
Looks ghey with stock height though
holy 4x4 batman...
drop that thing if you are gonna rock those wheels...
I'm just gettin use to swervin around pot holes is all.

We have some new ones.