Hell yeah on the AZ.
Never even fired mine up, so wished I would've finished my setup.
Best of luck bro!
agreed, those get really hot. had to get rid of filter to let them breathe better. also @!#$ relays, use solenoid instead, it works great and easy to get all wirings together. anyways, you drag that thing? wheres blocks?
Thanks Joe I appreciate the words of encouragement.
Phewes- I never had a problem with my relays, the problem that caused it was the rod for my 380 was warped a tad and the piston was grinding against the inside of the head of the compressor causing it to work itself harder than needed resulting in lots and lots of unwanted heat and current draw, which led to melted wiring, carpet, smoke and an extenguisher lol. And yeah I drag it daily, blocks are welded up behind the lift points in the rear of the front wheels, but usually my entire exhaust drags, but my cats flat now from that =(
lookin good man. but did u not fuse the power 2 the relay?? or did it just burn up. and how big of a wire u got goin 2 it??
It's fused twice, once at my distribution block, and inline between that and the relay, all of my wiring for the air is 10gauge. It just burnt everything up, I talked to alot of people at the show including suicidedoors and they were stunned as to why it would have done it...guess bad things happen to me =-(. Everythings all good now and the AZ only draws like 60 amps where at the end of my Viairs life is was drawing 80+.
huh thats odd never heard of anything like that. guess the relay must of had an internal short makin it draw so many amps and thus burining up. but glad 2 see u got it back up and running even better.
thats really weird that happened. it must be something. and do u use a switch to turn on/off the compressor manually?? id say do solenoid and if its really hot, it will turn off itself. it solves all the problems. still do know those should be fused as well but its still working fine for me.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, February 23, 2009 1:34 PM
Ive got a 145/175 pressure switch but I also have a toggle switch on the pressure switch to manually kill the compressor. No problems anymore, especially not with heat or over drawing any power.
I demand pictures of your drag blocks... I doubt i'll ever drag mine but I like to see the carnage.
I'll get them as soon as I can for ya dude.