I got a brickyard 3pc spoiler i'll let him reveal what he got from me.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Nice Larry, that was quick lol.
Im about to go put on what I got from ya and change the batteries in my camera, then Ill throw up a pic of it

Btw its cleared up pretty well down here
you suck ass. i want a brickyard
Ok so you just got that trunk and 00-02 spolier put on and painted and now your gonna put on a brickyard. Man you change stuff too much. If thats the route your goin now, you gotta think things out before you throw things at the car. Nice pick up though.
Proud member since 99
Haha Mike the bumper looks good on there man!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Thanks! I think it may be a keeper, Ill decide what I wana do with the IF front. Im the same way you feel about the spoiler as well, dont think Ive ever seen it with an 03+ lss rear though. Its not like you paid retail for it anyway
I like that spoiler! And icemike that other bumper was better...this one only fits better cause it matches your car
GMR has got nothing on this
Well I was just tired of the fitment with the IF front, the fact that you have to cut to fit the headlights it leaves a gap under the headlights and everything just doesnt line up properly without adding material for it. Thats why theres tape on my corner light, broke a tab trying to get the damn IF front to line up properly. I may mod it, may not. Or, cut the bottom off and use it as a lip on a stock bumper
its about time u made the time to get that bumper. looks sick dude. when u gonna get the rear lip on?
well if you dont like the brickyard, ill take it.
Thanks Jordan, Im realy happy with it. Its the only other aftermarket bumper I like besides the IF which of course they didnt make to fit the damn 2k+'s. Ill get the rear lip on when I quit being lazy, which I need to redo my wheels as well..yes, yes I know we need to do yours too
icemike89 wrote:I need to redo my wheels as well..yes, yes I know we need to do yours too 
lol, and i wasnt even going to bring that up but ok. i also need to give u that 2.4 idi cover that i did a while back. we will just swap them.
liked the car without the brickyard,
but I just don't really like how it flows,
the only way I would ever do it is like DoubleZeds vert with it molded in
Brickyard is hot, totally works with the W-type sides!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Glad to hear Larry, its also not something you see every day
yeah we'll see what happens with it. I could only use the center bolt hole because who ever drilled the spoiler holes before I got this trunk lid didn't drill them right so the 2 outer holes don't line up. One would be enough to hold it down, then use double sided tape and seal it off and it would be fine.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Realy? When I mounted it all the bolt holes lined up, but when you do this the spoiler is offset probably babout half an inch if that instead of dead on the lid. Ive heard of others notice this as well, did you have it dead center on the lid which is why they all didnt line up?
I like the WW bumper on your car icemike, looks great!

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Diggin the brickyard spoiler. Ever think about molding the side pieces into the back quarter panels? I think that would make the spoiler flow so nice on the car. Nice exchange guys.
icemike89 wrote:Hahaha, Larry and I were laughing about how people try to tell him what to do to his car. Telling him what you think about it is cool but its his car and he can do as he wants with it.
I just get so bent and worked up about what Larry is changing on his car next week, OMG.
I don't think that the brickyard will make it on the car this year, but it will make it on at some point.

2009 Ford Mustang V6