wtf, something didnt work
Jason Brantner wrote:wtf, something didnt work
you cant link pics from your email haha
dang, ill have to redo them
And its the wrong forum

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Jason Brantner wrote:
A place to post photos, videos, and other media, of j-bodies new and old.
That sir, is an F-body.

Supercharged 2002 Cavalier Z24
J-Body Bash Veteran
not sure I would really call that moving up......
blucavvy wrote:mitdr774 wrote:not sure I would really call that moving up......
my thoughts exactly, sorry man. But at least it's an f-bomb
Wish it woulda worked out for you.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
For Sale
Well for 4500 and 115k miles. I thought it was a move up. Especially since it has way more potential than my cavy did and way more fun to drive. I still wish I coulda got your car Steve. It's gorgeous. Find another buyer yet
dang for that price, couldnt you find an ls1 for that many miles
i think thats a great upgrade from an 04 cav. I would certainly take a v8 and rear wheel drive over any J i have ever seen.....but thats just me
A couple bites but nothing to serious. Got someone commin this weekend to take a look at it. I like the car, i'm actually gonna look for a f-body after I sell mine. I'm gong for a ls1 tho. Good luck with it man, thanks for the intrest in my car.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
For Sale
4500? as long as you like it
Tinkles wrote:@!#$ Opti-spark.
^^This plus its a LT1 car.....down here in FL you can get a nice LS1 camaro for like as low as 500 more than what you spent but as long as you are happy
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Downgrade Imo....
and "only 115k" well thats alright if its a honda...but thats getting up there for an American car.
Wow, this still hasn't been moved?????

Supercharged 2002 Cavalier Z24
J-Body Bash Veteran
The cheapest ls1 I found around here was 5k. With a wicked dent in the rear quarter panel. And 90k miles. I luv it. All I need it for is a fun car to drive till I find my 02 ls1 as