Tranny swap - Newbies Forum

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Tranny swap
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:18 PM
Ok i realized today that 3 spd. autos suck a$$, so i want to drop in a 4 spd auto. since it will be easier then a 5 spd. swap and i dont have the time for that or money. What all would i need to do that swap? and what cars can i get one out of?

1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto

Re: Tranny swap
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:35 PM
I don't know much about the swap, but I also have the 3 speed, and I have considered doing the 5 speed swap. I don't see any sense in just adding 1 more gear. And I think the only additional work of upgrading to a 5 speed would be installing the shifter, clutch, and some other minor things.

But once again, I don't know much about the subject. So don't base any decisions off of the info I have provided you. NJHK might be able to help you out more, he knows everything it seems lol.
Re: Tranny swap
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:07 PM
youd need the tranny of course. probaly the ECU from doner car.

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Re: Tranny swap
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:15 PM
Ryan Shissler wrote:Ok i realized today that 3 spd. autos suck a$$, so i want to drop in a 4 spd auto. since it will be easier then a 5 spd. swap and i dont have the time for that or money. What all would i need to do that swap? and what cars can i get one out of?

As far as it being easier...I don't know about that. If you're doing a swap, go ahead and do a 5 speed swap.

You'll need a tranny, ecu and basically all the transmission components. / 732-742-8837

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