hey everybody, im L.A.and ive got an 86 sunbird gt turbo vert, in the process of rebuilding the engine.
man am i glad i found this place! ive been trying to find parts like crazy since i started redoing the car, hopefully i can find some help on here.
lookin forward to askin some difficult questions and praying for answers
People are going to want you to fill out the information on your car. Use the search, probably everything that you can ask under the sun has been answered, and people would rather you search first, then if no info found ask your question. There are plenty of people on here that have significant information that you could use. Enjoy your stay.
hey lynn! glad you found the JBO.
im sure you can find what you are looking for.
very knowledgeable people around here who dont have anything better to do than help out a fellow J member.

enjoy your stay!!!!!!!!!