Sorry about the Speed Limiter :( - Racing Forum

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Sorry about the Speed Limiter :(
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:05 AM
-> For the guy that told me about the Cavalier that crashed for going "over it's limit" <-

sorry about the speed limiter questing that i asked before!
now i know what can happen if u remove it, and yeah, my car's not capable of the kind of stuff and also my knowledge about cars is not good.
thanks for telling me what can happen and making me realise what can happen, not only to me but also to others.
Sorry for asking that and thanks for providing me with info that made me understand what can happen.

Re: Sorry about the Speed Limiter :(
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:23 AM
Octavian Popa wrote:-> For the guy that told me about the Cavalier that crashed for going "over it's limit"

No need to say sorry. This is a forum to ask question, so ask them!!

FU Tuning

Re: Sorry about the Speed Limiter :(
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:46 PM
thanks dude
Re: Sorry about the Speed Limiter :(
Friday, July 15, 2005 1:57 AM
hey, if you go to McDonalds, don't spill the coffee on you... It may burn...

s eyes*

SLK 32

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