so Friday night my entire day was going great, had easy work load. friends all met up to hang out. went out to a bar with my friends that night, normally we park in a darker area. but tonight after washing/polishing my car re-wiring all of my stereo equipment and detailing my car i decided that we should park in a more lit area with people walking by. sounded like a sound idea to me. seeing as most people wouldn't break into a car with a lot of people (and cops) always patrolling the area.
well after an hour of sitting around at the bar we all decide to go back to my friends house and do more drinking. we start walking back to our cars and i see a cop car sitting behind our cars. i turn to my friend and say... this is either good or bad.. turns out its bad. we approach the cars with caution and i see glass on the ground and my door wide open... so i get sent into a world of pissed i've never seen. now some background info on my car's appearance. complete black, 15% on all the windows. locked doors like always with the reflection of the light on the glass you cant see inside my car untill you put your face to the window. my amps are mounted on my pull down back seat so i can put the seat up when i get out of my car to avoid this type of @!#$. i mounted both amps with self taping bolt head screws into the metal of the seats...
so when we get to the cars i see my drivers window complety broken in, and my back drivers window blown out as well. yes someone stole my thunder elite amp set up,face plate to my head unit (dicks) my friends cell phone, it was dead and charging in my car. i asked the cop if anyone saw who did this and what type of car they were in, the cop replied "yes the neighbor reported a black male and female driving a tan catty on big crome rims" i had to laugh, and the cop said "yeah i know, wonder why we all stereotype"
after about two hours of talking to cops and my insurance company we tear the broken glass off my car clean off the seats and are about to leave when i hear "WTF!" the guy that parked his 97 civic hatch across the street had his windows busted out and his car keyed. so we called the cop we just delt with back. the cop shows up talks to me for a min and tells me that the car the neighbor reported has been pulled over and cops are searching it now grim site of hope seeing as getting an amp located in a big city is almost impossible.
we start driving home now that its 3am and no one wants to drink anymore and i get a call saying they have my amp and are going to try and get finger prints off it to build a case around it. the driver said he had no idea the amp was in his car... so thanked the cop went home put trashbags over my windows and went to bed...
Cavie Freak wrote:That sucks man but I am glad to hear that they found the guy and some of your stuff. Was the amp the only thing recovered?
I can't wait to get on a department and start busting idiots like that.
X2 Stupid people now a days , Sorry for what happened ...
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
ur very lucky they recovered the stolen items.
word of advice though... if you advertise, someone will take you up on your advertisement. ie, big wing and rims etc.
We all need somebody to believe in something...