I am looking for a guide on turbo tuning, but not having any luck finding any.
I know there are many options available I am just looking for something that gives a walk through of each.
Any recomendations?
trial and error, trial and error...
"dude, thats a girls car"
Yeah... right. Trial and error.
Just like setting compression is trial and error...
Anyone else?
lots of research first, then lots of calculations that take into address every aspect of your build, and that right there is why you have a problem finding tuning guides because every build is unique, not everyone uses the same turbo, not everyone has the same engine, not everyone uses the same fuel management and so on and so forth
There is no "guide" to tuning, it IS trial and error.
Here is the tuning process that I will use, others use others:
1. Calculate fuel pressure for rich at full boost
2. Set FMU to raise ratio to obtain that fuel pressure at desired boost level
3. Go to a dyno.
4. Watch A/F on the wideband and tune leaner/richer towards best power after a base pull, keep an eye on EGT's
5. Make another dyno run
6. Go to step 4 and repeat
Trial and error, you tune, you pull, you tune, you pull till you get it where you need it.
4cyltuner.com - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
get a wideband device of some sort, perferrably data logger, and set it rich. then lean it as you need. timing will be harder without a dyno..
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..
Run pig rich then tune fuel down till you get everything right.
horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, Torque is how far you push the wall with you