Does anyone kno any good websites where u can buy aftermarket products for 03+ Cavs besides bodykits?
What are you looking for? Hoods, taillights, rims, racing seats, CF, what?
really anything besides bodykits
Basically the same places that sell bodykits. Other than kits there are cf hoods and the cf rear bezel. Other than exterior the 03+ is basically the same as a 00-02. Interior is the same, suspension is the same unless its a LS Sport. Lots of places to buy products for our cars. Just search around.
^^^ i like your new sick, hoods NICE!!!!
are a few that carry alot of 03+ products
Everyone that postec in this thread has a yellow cavalier
Here, I did this over on the AF forums because I got tired of hearing this question and since I have an 04 every site has at least something for the 03+ guys. Also mine is not yellow its red 4dr same as yours. lol
little black j-body book
Even pure genius is born out of insanity.