one of my shocks blew a seal so i need to get it off so could someone please tell me how to do that
Sinister Ambitions
if they are like the hinges i've seen there's a pin in the bottom. remove that pin, pull the strut out of the hole, and it should unscrew from the top.
cannon fodder wrote:if they are like the hinges i've seen there's a pin in the bottom. remove that pin, pull the strut out of the hole, and it should unscrew from the top.
ok i know where the pin is but, by unscrew do you mean twist the strut or the little knob at the top because i started to twist the screw the little knob but couldnt get it all the way off and now my door hits the fender a little unless i tilt it up a little... i think that is the knob to adjust how far the door swings out... please help someone
Sinister Ambitions
the strut itself should screw into a hole at the top of the strut, where it mounts to the hinge.
thanks i saw a pic on cardomain of the struts and its just like you said
Sinister Ambitions