if i buy the Z24 front bumper for my base model sedan do i need the front splash sheild thats below the radiator, and if not do i need to fab some mounts for it to stay more securly?? thank you.
it bolts up directly. nothing needed
bagged cav is right you need nothing everything bolts up correctly
but i have the base now. i thought i needed to have the fender liners to. if not then cool. i can get one brand new from napa for 49 dollars in primer and ill be ordering it monday. i also dont have to pay shipping.
It will bolt right up. You don't NEED the Z fender liners for the bumper to fit. Some of the holes in your exisiting fender liners will kind of line up, so you can secure it down. The Z liners just makes everything complete.
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99