Alright guys, i finally decided i'm going to properly trim my Import Fighter front bumper to fit with the 00-02 headlights. What should i use to trim it properly? it looks thick so i don't think scissors or an exacto knife would work. What do you recommend?
Dremel at a
low speed cause other wise its going to melt it.
Blue Splash wrote:Dremel at a low speed cause other wise its going to melt it.
Good call...didn't think of using a dremel...gonna try it now...thanks!
yeh make sure u use low speed.. i have a type j front that was fixed but the part around the corner light wasnt fixed right where the corner wouldnt fit so using a dremel i was able to round it out and get it right.. but yes.. low speed will take a lil longer but come out less work later..
when i trimed my rear for my exhaust i used a dremel with a rotozip bit.