What are you guys and gals useing to hold your hoods open at car shows?
I find the prop rod holds the hood way to high, i want my hood open , but only maby a foot or two.
Are springs still in to hold the hood open, anything out there ya can buy that you can stick betwen the hood and radiator shroud?
98 j-body sedan
As stated you could put the prop rod in a different hole. I have hood shocks on my 01 z.
FU Tuning
open the hood nd put the hood rod in the piece that bolts to the hood for the latch to grab onto, thats what I do
i use a painted spring from my brothers s10
We Ride Together, We Die Together...... J-Bodies For Life!
SPONSORED BY: Showstopper Tuning, JM Graphics
2003 Cavalier LS Sport "SHOCKWAVE"
i just cut my prop rod.........oops....lol
i just use a spring off a old bonneville i cut up. works nicely but i might cut off a few coils.. or just leave my hood shut lol
i use and old stock spring that i painted
I <3 3COT3C!
Random objects?
-Old-school toaster with a 'Type-R' sticker on it. Nothing spells high-revving parody like T-o-a-s-t-e-r.
-Beach ball, use a Sharpie to write the engine mods on it.
-Verticle CD case holder with a plate on it saying "I rock CDs, not stolen MP3s" Better used as a trunk prop.
-6x9 speakers in mini-boxes that sit on each corner of the front of the car, holding hood up. Run long wire to your system.
-2L bottle of any beverage. Label it "My engine actually has more displacment then this bottle"
-Leave the hood closed, put a label on the front of the hood saying: "Hood latch broken. Listen for lies about claimed wheel horsepower"
-Snowbrush. Canadian custom, yo.
-Flat-screen LCD panel
-Old, wooden window pane. Break the glass. Label it: "Warning: Car has ability to break sound barrier" Could be used for a trunk prop.
-Fire extinguisher
-A piece of plexi painted on the edges to look like a LCD computer screen. A screenshot of your registry with all your mods and thumbnails of your car printed on paper, glued to the 'screen'.
-Etched plexiglass mounted vertically on a base that has neon in it. Etch in your mods. Light up the neon. The etched lettering will show up brightly. Good for night/dark shows.
-Use and actual strut from a car's suspension.
-Spare steering wheel.
-Your trunk mini-jack.
-Chrome 4 bar tire iron.
Theres a million possibilities. Just be creative.
I use a NO PARKING sign, that I got when I worked at GOodwill!!
I admire the suggestion for the Flat pane LCD screen, now if you want to spend a lot of money on a tv screen to prop your hood open be my guest. I'd have to admit that was creative! lol