i would like to black out my tails (04 Fire)
and yes i have searched, but didnt find much detail about how to attack it
i already have the vht nite shade,
just wanna know what you guys recommend or have used for sand paper grit, coats, pre-treatment
thanx in advance
Go in the trunk, pull back liner, uninstall the tails (probably about 3 bolts each and a wiring clip, can't remember), sand lightly with a fine grit paper, spray evenly with VNT, let dry, do more coats if you feel you want it darker, wetsand with really fine grit sandpaper and then blast it with a coat or two of clear. Make sure you don't do it somewhere where you can get dirt or crap in the wet paint and you should have no problem. I'm sure there are many writeups around suggesting the sandpaper grit values aswell but as long as you don't use something really rough you should be fine, and you don't really need to wetsand it if you want to do it quickly but you should clear them. Good luck.
<<<<<2003 Sunfire Sedan>>>>>
TBH with you when I did my 03 fire tails i didn't use VHT. I had went to the paint store down the street and got House of Kolors candy apple paint. It was a dark cherry color.
I know how cops are here and my town and I didn't want to go too black so they would pull me over for something dumb like that.
I took sand paper cant recall the grit, but I sanded down the numbers that are on ridge of the tail light so that when it was painted it wouldn't show and be nice and smooth!
After that I wiped each housing down with cleaner and then painted, Got about 20ish odd coats on ( with the VHT you will not need that many!! )
Then let it dry for a day and installed
Here is a pic of what they look like...
I know its not the best pic but I will take one when the sun is out if u want
5 seconds to find another street...
can someone offer up what sand paper grit to use?
I'd smooth it up with 350, then finish with 600 and 1000.
There's too much blood in my caffeine stream.
no rude conotation intended here ENEMY TOAST, just asking...
but have you actually done this yourself? Cause another guy told me 1500-2000 grit. I just wanna know from someone who has done it before i go ahead and give'r a try.
use 2k grit wet sand them down give light even coats of the VHT nightshade till you reach the darkness you want. let it dry or bake in the sun for about 2 hrs then clear it . still spraying light even coats approx 3 coats of clear.( i used 3 coats of VHTon the inner tails and 2 on the outer, still very dark but are still bright @ night so no problems with the po po's good luck have fun with it it's a pritty simple job.
I've resurfaced headlights that were in awful condition, and used 600, 800, 1000, and 1500. All were wet, and the lights came out GREAT. I'm sure it's the same plastic.
I'm not saying not to go higher, because of course it cant hurt. And as cheap as sandpaper is, why not.
There's too much blood in my caffeine stream.