President Bush's second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?
How about 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq. Or vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.
Meh, 40 mil? just a drop in the bucket. <br>
Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
$40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties
.....isn't coming out of my pocket..i couldn't care less. <br>
I think weither the money is tax payer $'s or private donations it sure as hell could be spent in better ways. My question is why do we need another inauguration when a president is reelected? It should ony happen when a new person takes office. <br>
New Yeller
Rice is nice,but where's the BEEF!
Well, Not having another inauguration is something you'd expect from a fiscally responsible president.
READ MY LIPS: NO NEW TAXES. One phrase that guarenteed there wasn't a second opportunity.
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40 million could buy me a nice house
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Apparently it'll buy you a good shot at a White one.
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maybe it is a lot of money...would you say anything different if Kerry would have won and he was spending 40 mil. Either way...its gonna happen...might as well sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 4 years
I know i am <br>
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"The tire fell fell fell the fuk off!"
I would probably have been pissed off... IF you finance it yourself, hey, knock yourself out, if it's coming by way of campaign contributions, or "access to good government" payoffs, then I'll get ferclempt. Dem, Rep, Lib, or whatever.
A money grubbing scoundrel is a money grubbing scoundrel, doesn't matter what profession.
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The 40 mill is for party favors, but not the 17 mill for security and the 66 mill for the holiday pay in DC.
They write it off on their taxes...we wind up paying for it
I also heard that the taxpayers of Wash d.c. are up in arms. They are expected to foot 12-16 Million for bushs inaugural balls. I dont blame them.
it doesnt matter who the president...dont blame this crap on bush...its happened for every damn president in the history of presidents. yes it is useless as all hell and a stupid waste of time and money but thats the way our government works....its not bushs fault...imagine if he said we are gonna do an inauguration...all you people would be all over him saying he is breaking tradition blah blah he even has a choice....this is ridiculous....people blaming bush for inaguration...jesus mean i agree completely that all inagurations are such a waste of time but come on its really not bushs fault this time <br>
Supercharged 95 BMW 540i M-Sport
god forbid, but if hillary ends up president in 08, I'm going to bitch about her inaugural party.... <br>
I would too if and only if she gets re-elected in '12 under a HUGE deficit SHE created and then spends a ridiculous amount of OUR money to remind her how great she is. I agree with the stated above- only celebrate the first time elected, regardless of their party.
jp: the party was financed by his criminal business cohorts. $40 million will pay for a damned good party when you get passed on the bill, and get bent over the barrell again by the fact that they're paying for better access to the President and the rest of the dolts in Congress.
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EastCoastBeast II wrote:god forbid, but if hillary ends up president in 08, I'm going to bitch about her inaugural party....
i dont think it'll ever happen.imo <br>
Him bitching about a liberal party? Yeah I thought so too...
2008 it'll be Hillary vs. Jeb. mark my words.
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First time in office I think is enough...
Whether or not the money was "donated" by companies or people who want their head up Bush's arse... if he wanted to show a good example to our fellow Americans and others, he could have taken that donated money and used it for something more worthwhile... like better armor and such for the troops in Iraq fighting HIS war... putting it back towards our deficit.... something towards healthcare or education...
A $40 MILLION Inaugural party is NOT necessary by any means... <br>
Clinton had two.....He spent a good chunk also.. <br>
Find the numbers on Clinton (<a href="¬Found=true">Site 1, Bottom</a> - <a href="">Site 2, Top</a>
.. The first one was pretty big, but the second one was a lot more restrained.. Fiscally at least. Clinton's inauguration committee limited donations to $100, the party cost more for 1997 than it did in 1993, so the leftover was picked up from the leftover from the original.
I guess a war president doesn't need to be <a href="">concerned with the numbers</a>, that's for mere mortals, <a href="">sycophants</a> and general nutswingers.
It's kind of sad when you have a certified Billionaire by the name of Mark Cuban <a href="">questioning the wisdom</a> of a lavish inaugural party.
Not that I stand on the same fiscal footing, but I find it pretty gauche, grotesque and I guess obtuse that in a time of War, Natural Distaster, fiscal upheaval, and employment migration, that Dubya would hold a party celebrating his Bushness. For crying out loud, Woodrow Wilson who even in failure was a better president than either Bush was in triumph, served COLD CHICKEN SALAD and punch to a few dignitaries in the Whitehouse for his inauguration party the first time, and the second time didn't have one at all.
I guess it wouldn't be right to not keep up appearances.
(ECB, Since a lot of this is opinion, I decided I'd back it up with facts.. they're hotlinked.. enjoy the reading)
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It's kind of sad when you have a certified Billionaire by the name of Mark Cuban questioning the wisdom of a lavish inaugural party.
wow....and i should agree with him because?????? biased source you have there.... <br>
Actually It's referenced to another publication.
I don't post from biased sources unless they reference. but you oughtta know that
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hell, if i had it to spend on a party i would just still glad flipper didnt get elected... <br>
lol, 4th, oh well, im working on it.
I love how people just look at the nominal value. completely ingoring the real value. If you account for inflation, i'm sure Clinton spent more in his 93 party. Lets see here, 33 million for 10 years at 3% inflation, that comes to be what, about 44 million? <br>
Promise that forever we will never get better at growing up and learning to lie
i bet most of the complainers could take the money the spent on their wheels and buy some armour for the humvees as well.
its a party that has happened ever year since who knows how far back. next year if a democrat wins i'm sure the cost will be just about the same and i'm sure no one will complain. i dont remember reading any complaints when clinton was in office i'm sure i wont hear complaints next year. only reason theres bitching this year is because the media is making a big deal out of it.
do you guys think bush is sittin in the oval office going " hmm i'll need 10 tons of shrimp cocktail, and 100 tons of champane. no. he's not setting up the party. other people are. so bitch at them if u want to.!/Square1Photography
I never excused Clittin either.
Just pointed out that his tab for inaugurations came to the same amount, but there weren't a few deep-pocketed @!#$s footing the bill. $100 is something most people could afford without really breaking the bank.
Either way... They're both money grubbing pigs in my books.
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