I think this should go in here. Anyone see the 60 mins tonight about the .50 caliber gun? The gov in Cali is trying to get it banned. The NYPD snipers took shots with there reg .30 caliber and it did not even get close to going throu the half inch steal then took the .50 caliber and it went straight through pretty kool. Just wondering what your take is on all this. The reason that cali wants it banned due to they say terrorists could get a hold of it and all hell could break loose. If you think about it if you get any kind of gun all hell can break loose. Its not like someone is going to walk into a 7/11 with a 5 ft gun (the 50 caliber) and try to rob you.

2nd place is the 1st loser
most people do not nor will they ever own a .50 cal. rifle. the bull@!#$ aboot making guns illegal so that terrorists and other ruffians and undesireables "
can't" get them is ludicrous.
Well, think of it like this:
What's the range of a typical Calibre sniper rifle, and what does it do as far as damage?
Now, figure the president is in Marine 1 and a terr-riss with a BFG like that has one of these (that they can obtain LEGALLY, it's IN AL-QUEDA MANUALS!) and dumps 2 shots in there..
It has about a 2 KM range, so you do the math.
Thank again, if Bush's stance on weapons stands firm, terrorists and other private individuals can have their guns, but every other freedom can be impeached.
Hey, you and your countrymen elected him and his cronies.
And don't use aboot. It makes you look like you want to be Canadian, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:
Thank again, if Bush's stance on weapons stands firm, terrorists and other private individuals can have their guns, but every other freedom can be impeached.
exactly......thats why straight up banning is stupid, if they are afraid of terrorists getting them.......do better background checks on people.
like ive said before, and its a quote from someone, i forgot who "when all guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
All guns won't be outlawed, and gun permits need to have a mandatory re-training safety courses. There are WAY to many people with too much access and not enough brains to use a gun.
That being said, if I get moved to a CSU somewhere, I'm probably going to have to carry... joy.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
i hear that.......some people don't even have the brainpower to walk and chew gum, i wouldn't trust them with a gun either
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I use it a lot, but it still rings true, the average person is dumber than a sack of hammers, and half the people are dumber than that!
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
isn't "smart" and "dumb" relative?
Well, "SMART" bombs miss their target about 25% of the time, and dumb asses make a decent point about 25% of the time....
If smart and dumb are relative, I think we should be talking about planned parenthood.
Really, people pull bonehead maneuvers all the time, it's the mouth-breathers that look act and walk like they're on some really good downers that I'm worried about. They're the "Elvises" of society (for those that played Sid Meyer's Civilization

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
civilization?..pffft nerd..... real men play world of warcraft
Pfft... Real men don't need technology to play.
WoW however is a great game
Now if only they'd do another Diablo game or Starcraft for PC...
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
what need is the average citizen of a 5ft gun anyway? You sure as hell dont need it to "protect your family" or any other BS reason the NRA will give you. Sure people should be allowed (those that are smart enough to not abuse it) to have guns , not weapons of warfare

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Well, the second ammendment was authored (and has been ammended with the idea) in an era that flintlocks and black powder manual breech load weaponry was commonplace, the only speed and accuracy difference came with experience.
When would anyone ever use a BFG like that for "self-defence?"
The answer is simple enough.. Never.
Responsible owners and collectors are fine, they already care for their weapons and know how to use them properly, and because they collect, they're not going to go off half-cocked (pardon the pun) and get their permits/licenses revoked.
I'm more afraid that a nutjob with the requisite cash and a hotline to God will get one of these before they can be sufficiently background checked and start using it on people that have nothing to do with the IRS.
Or that the same whack-job will break into a house (without the current occupants either being in the house or whatever) and make off with the weapons.
Criminals might have the guns, but frankly, some of the people that covet the weapons LEGALLY are more than a little worrisome.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
what need is the average citizen of a 5ft gun anyway?
what's the average need for a supercharger?
more people get run down by cars with superchargers ,than get blasted with a Barrett M82A1
The Car arguement is not applicable.
You don't have an enshrined right to have a car, it's a priveledge. You don't drive a car for self-defense do you? Do you keep a car tucked under your pillow at night?
Tell me, when was the last time you mowed down a target at 100 ft with your car?
More people are killed with cars because EVERY IDIOT OUT THERE CAN GET A DRIVER'S LICENSE AND A CAR. This should be a warning sign.
Also, when was the last time you heard about someone driving a 4 second dragster down your town's main street on a saturday night? Never... why? impractical, and illegal, and, well, rounding corners is tricky to say the least.
When have you ever seen a gun like that used to take down a deer, Moose, elk, or what not?
It's got as much function as an automatic assault rifle, it's only made for killing and has no legitimate purpose beyond that. Cars are made for transportation, and the imbeciles piloting them kill people through negligence more than anything.
Yes, I'm for Gun safety, yes, I'm for WAY less cars on the road too... the bar has been set FAR too low on both.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
i guess it comes down to personal want then...
As opposed to functionality?
You're coming around.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
pffft, i'd give your left arm for a barrett model M82A1 or a M99...those are awesome machines..i doubt i'd ever fire it, minus sighting it in..
I need my .50 cal bolt action rifle. It kills mooses very nicely. (Speaking for friend) I only had a 30-30 lol. After they make these .50 cal illegal they will just keep going one down the line. I want the right to own a .50 cal if i want to. Not that I will ever, but if I wanted to have one I think I should be able to obtain one at my leaser.
Now where did I put my SKS
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
What branch of the military do you work in? I'm not trying to get down on you, I just forgot... I seem to think USAF...
Anyhow... I remember talking with a friend that went for ROTC in Kingston (Canadian Military) and he said something about a new laptop I had bought, but really had no use for... "A weapon unused is a useless weapon." Other than the Cool factor, I really had no use for it (I got a new commercial version laptop every quarter from the company).
That's kind of the way I look at owners of these weapons... it's military grade, for a reason, its size/range and kinetic dump is way more than anyone would need unless they planned to drop a slug into Marine1/AirForce1/Presidential Limosine... not to mention what it could do to the average car/truck if one were so inclined. Imagine if the DC area Sniper (I forget the guy's name... wow) had one of those rifles... sure the report and muzzle flash is stupid on them, but come on, 2KM range?
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
But i design a lot for it.
I believe that just because something is not used now, doesn't mean that i will or can't be used later. Thats why I have 3 computers. I only need one, right.
Why can't people collect a 50 cal. for a hobby. Because they like to and it makes them happy. There are many people in the U.S. or elsewhere that love their guns, and collect them as a hobby or sport, by telling them they can not collect them is like telling you, you cannot put any performance things on your car. Because an economy car was not intended for going that fast.
There are a lot of people in the U.S. and elsewhere that use .50 cal for hunting big game. Is it needed, probably not. Ever seen an elephant gun.
You agreement is based on opinion of circumstance. So is mine.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
As my good friend Tom Hnatiw or something like that would say:
"You have to ask yourself, do you need a gun like this? No, but do you want a gun like this? Oh Yea....."
Tom isn't my good friend... i just liked that expression.
Its a kind of hard to make a law on this becasue even though you have the right... some people just shouldn't have the right to guns. I personally think that guns are neat, not to sound sick or anything. From a mechanical aspect more or less. The sheer power and brute force and all that jazz. Do i admire there human killing abilities.... not really. Some people don't rationalize like the rest of us.... espically chainsaw carrying psycos (see ot thread)
I cant say im pro ban.... I can say im 100% for psychological testing, arms training, and alot of other gun saftey devices.
(uh sig?)
How many Big Game permits were issued in States with Buffalo or Moose? You can put down either without a BFG... .306 will do the trick... .3030 oughtta also.
There's no point to owning something like that... it hasn't got a purpose in civillian use. The "cool" factor is about it, and having it to say you have it... What's the cost on those suckers? Can't that money be put to use elsewhere? Collectors weren't part of the arguement, I already said that they won't do something stupid that will jeopardise the rest of their collection.
And, an elephant Gun isn't useful anymore... when was the last time you saw an elephant roaming in a herd in Maryland? Other than an interesting prop in Tremors, it's not even used by poachers FCOL... they use highpower rifles in lower calibres and put their shot where its supposed to be.
I agree with the jist of your post.. There's a lot of weapons in Canada, but they're registered. The Serial # is registered against your Firearms Acquisition Certificate, and unless you're a collector, you may not own unserialised weapons, or other types of firearms with an automatic setting. IIRC the only handgun that's been outlawed for non-collectors in Canada is the Glock 19 (I forget the exact one, it's a machine pistol basically).
Here, you need to pass a firearms course, and have a full background check (including Fingerprint registry starting next year) every 3-5 years before you may get an FAC.
Psych testing I can't see, other than answering a questionnaire, or answering if they have been evaluated by a mental health professional, and if there is a Yes, that you waive your privacy rights in regards to your medical records non-disclosure.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
the point that i'm getting to is that if life was just about just needs, and not wants, we'd be in communist russia, back in the day.. just because we don't need something doesn't mean that we shouldn't have the right to purchase it(now i'm not talking about a nuke, or anything)