There are a lot of companies that get bad "press" here and I just wanted to let everyone know that Jason at A+ is a great find.
He offers quick reply to emails and actually answers his phone. His website is fully functional and even allows you to store your orders, etc for easy reference.
Prices are competitive and the selection tremendous.
I know a lot of you already use him, but just wanted to offer my 2 cents to anyone who needs a new supplier for their addiction.
Blue Cav Customs
I agree. A+ is one of the best, if not the best, aftermarket auto store that I've dealt with.
nothing but love for jason.....completely heterosexual love of
<img src=""><a href="">
Yes Jason and his business are great. I personally ordered a lot from him and would order again if I would actually get some money. Keep up the good work Jason.
BTW that calendar is great. It was about time I got myself organized.
Makes me even more proud to be sponsored by him
Have to agree with everyone on this. All over a great guy and business. He runs it very well and is very helpful when needed.
Agreed, Jason is incredible!
Has gotten business from me, and will get more business from me in the future!
<a href=""><img src="" border="0"><a>
Jason is a good guy. definattly would be willing to do business with him agian.
who is this jason guy yall keep talking about and why do i have his banner as my sig. lol great guy recommend to all.
Norms Fenders
Holes in front bumper from plate bracket (custom)
Solo Hi Flow Cat/ 3in dual exhaust
Kappa Intake/IC Pipes
Pcm4less Tune
Infinity Kappa Speakers
Dakota Digital EGT & Boost Gauage
DDM Probeam
JPM Shifter
Custom Kicker System By JPM
MBRP Heat Shield
Dejon Intercooler
AlkaControl Water/Meth Injection
Yep... he's great to deal with... emails back within minutes with answers most of the times... kinda scary...
<b>"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes." </b>
I wub jason! He my heerow!
Jason is the one, quick responses!!
Cannot agree more.....Jason is the guy to go to when you need something......and if he doesnt have it on his website, he will go out of his way and get it for you....
Once again, Thank you Jason......
P.S. cannot wait for the erebuni mirrors.......
Proud Member of the J-Body Org

"I love my cavys just like i love my mamis!!!!!!!"
^^^^ LOL!!! Now that's disturbing...
<img src=""></img>
this should be locked, if you cant complain about a company then you shouldnt be allowed to compliment a company!
DrPaul84 wrote:this should be locked, if you cant complain about a company then you shouldnt be allowed to compliment a company!
No, because the complaint threads turn into nothing but a childish pissing contest. And usually they get locked because someone posts a bunch of trash that isnt always true and it can make a good company look bad. Compliment threads like this usually dont turn to trash and they follow the rules, most of the time