Submitted by: pope
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
well this is cool

... i've been a member here since 1999 (i think)and have watched this site grow into a very helpful,knowledgable place for our members, i feel i can be a lenient(spell check)moderator while still knowing when people cross the line and take appropriate action, i have to admit there are certain forums i visit frequently and some i don't visit at all, being a mod am i required to scan all forums?..also i'm assuming if i'm picked i will be showed or given the tools neccessary to do the job
Submitted by: wolfeman
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I think you have a great site and many great members. I spend alot of time on your site and have learned a great many things on here.
I have been on here only a short while but have seen alot of information exchanged.
I think I would be a good moderator, because I enjoy the site and spend a decent amount of time on here so I have come to like it here and would enjoy the opportunity to give something back to the site.
Submitted by: encriptor
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I really was shocked to see the message offering me to be a moderator and I would just like to thank you for the chance of this opportunity. A moderator is a very important position to a forum website. As a moderator I feel it is important to make sure that the posts are appropriate to its discussion topic. In addition I feel it is important to make sure that nobody abuses the forums and that matters of misuse should be handled appropriately. I believe that in the last 4 years of being a member of the JBO I have exercised these rules with myself and have enforced them in other members which I communicate with. I would be honored to have the title of GME Moderator and would live up to any and all of its expectations.
Submitted by: silver03cav
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I am interested in becoming a moderator because I would like to become more involved with the GME sites that are currently running. I am an understanding person which in my eyes is one "trait" a moderator should have when, well moderating the forums instead of just deleting or locking threads. That is why I believe that I could be a valuable asset for your moderating team.
Submitted by: BATMAN
Who spends not too much time on GME sites every day.
I would be a good moderator because I am a business owner, and I know how to be organized. I also know what is appropriate and what is not. I would need to read over the rules a few times, but I feel I could be an asset to the comunity because I spend some time here, and would love to give back. I am concerned about commiting to somthing without understanding the extent of responsibility. So if that were clarified I am sure I could fill the position.
JD Winters
Submitted by: articzap
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I feel I'd make a good moderator becasue I am currently a full admin at Creative Draft and have moderated other forums in the past. I am all about inforcing the rules and keeping a place happy. I must admit that I do not read every single forum but I do find myself at 40% of the forums generally. If choosen to be a moderator, I will reread all the rules of the board to make sure I fully understand them, then do my best to enforce them and make these forums the best place people want to be.
Submitted by: Z24Princess
Who spends not too much time on GME sites every day.
[Z24Princess didn't have much to say, sorry]
Submitted by: extremefire
Who spends way too damn much time on GME sites every day.
I guess the main reason is to help maintain the site, specifically the JBO. I have learned quite a bit from here, saving myself from what would probably be a lot of problems later on with the car, and it would be nice to be able to kind of give something back. Just yesterday, after work I checked the general forum and there was this post by this guy, completely off the wall wanting us to "welcome him to the site". It wasn't appropriate, and I notice now that its gone now. One other thing is that I don't feel that I am caught up in some of the "drama" that happenes here, and that I would be impartial with what goes on on the site. Thanks for reading this.
Submitted by: BlackWidowCavy
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
Well, ive been on J-body now for about 3 years now, i may not have been officially here, but ive been visiting the site for quite awhile now. i know most of the limits here on the .org. obviously i would have some to learn, but i feel like id be good for the position, if i was chosen, you wouldnt be disappointed with your choice.
thank you for the consideration,
Submitted by: shotoi
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I have moderated on previous j-body sites, including (which tech I'm still a moderator, however the admin just reinstalled phb software and no one has access yet).
I enjoy forums, and believe it is something that other people should enjoy as well, however we should be able to enjoy it without having to read the crud thats off topic, better posted elsewhere, or shouldn't be posted in the first place.
I do come from a customer service background, so I know how it is to assist people, which I have no problem doing, but I also know when to draw the line.
I am very honored to be considered for a moderator position, unsolicited.
thank you
Josh Huber
Submitted by: Vink70
Who spends way too damn much time on GME sites every day.
I am interested because i spend a lot of time on the website. As of right now im in English class in college and im responding toward this message. I believe i would be a great moderator since I am not biased toward any cars. I do believe that someone needs to moderate many post because I notice that some times things may get out of control and make someone feel like they are not as good as someone else. These conditions need to be fixed. Granted I have not been registered as long as most and you may be looking for a more expirenced person on the board but if I am selected then I will do my best to fufil my job. Here is an example. While you are reading this next part follow the directions, slide left and right in the seat of your chair, now forward and back. Depending on how many people read this, just think how many seats I just cleaned, imagine what I could do to clean up the board

( Just a little humor.) I know that I would do my best to moderate the forum to my maximum ability.
Submitted by: jcavi
Who spends not too much time on GME sites every day.
[jcavi didn't have much to say, sorry]
Submitted by: jfeuker
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
thanks for the offer, but i really dont have enough time to do the job effectivly and i am sure there are many others who are much better suited for the position than me, again thanks for the offer though! and happy april fools day.
Submitted by: mikec2003
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I would like the opportunity to make all GME sites a better place, and to further the discussion on the topic at hand. I spend enough time on the GME sites a day to allow me to easily spend some of that time performing moderator duties, as well as continuing to enjoy the GME network
Submitted by: Quikchk
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I'm on the site throughout the day. I am a moderator on another site, so I have experience with it. Some of the stuff is inappropriate and I wish I was able to do something about it. Plus, I think it would be a fun thing to do on here.
Submitted by: leahnorman
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I am interested in a moderator position because of the influence moderators put on all the members. Members look up to them and they're well known and unique. They get to handle a lot of situations and can be in control
I am a very honest person with broad skills. I am very good with computers and I learn new things on here often. I am good with mult-tasking and I can approach problems with patience.
I would be a great asset to your team by being a huge help to the forums and other parts of your website. I will be dependable and will always be here for anyone's help. I would be honored for this position.
Submitted by: gt2200pr
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
Have been a part of the JBO community for some tim and have followed the dealings on the forums and also with my current 2 J- bodies(past 2 also) and upcoming Cobalt SS that has been ordered I have the vehicle base and knowlege to be a good asset to the moderation team.
I have been and will be a part of the J-bash and now GM small car bash as well. Thanks for the consideration.
Submitted by: quickblackecotec
Who spends so much time he or she has no life on GME sites every day.
i wish this was true
Submitted by: leosavir
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I believe I would be an asset to this site because I am always on this site reading most of the post. I have been a member for almost 2 years in May. I am sorta known around the Org when I post topics about my car or any other topics. I dont make bad comments about people, only point out what is needed to be change and what I think about certain mods.
Things I can't stand, but haven't seen at all which is good, is when people post anything that is racist or just being plain stupid to get atttention.
My biggest asset to the moderating team would be honesty, which I am sure you guys have lots of people say that about themselves. I do tell what is on my mind good or bad or even just a simple suggestion. I enjoy being on the org and would be honored to be a moderator and like any job, having fun while being the best.
Thanks to those that are reading this and hope to hear from someone soon. Gbless
Kennie Rivas
Submitted by: castortroy24
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
Sounds like fun. I see enough misguided posts here daily to find the inspiration to take an hour or so out of my day to perfomr the job of Moderator.
Submitted by: rcstypejracer
Who spends so much time he or she has no life on GME sites every day.
I would be interested in being a moderator because I spend many hours reading through posts on this forum and responding. I am also aware of the rules along with what is and is not approprate for a public forum such as this. I also try to keep things as respectful as possible. I have my own club forum and keep a constant eye on it daily basis along with a few other local forums to moderate the content selected in them. I am also highly involved in the car/J-body world and keep in touch with many of its members. If chosen I will take the position seriously and represent JBO to the best of my abilities! Thank you!
Submitted by: lakerslover
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I spend a lot of time on this site reading all the post and area of the forums. I think I would be a great moderator because of the time spent of here and contact with JBO memebers.
Submitted by: kjrich
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
Thanks for the offer. Let me first say that this comes as huge surprise to me, with all the thousands of members I never thought I'd be considered.
I'll be brief and to the point about why I think I would make a good moderator.
First of all, I DO have moderating experience on another internet discussion forum I frequent.
Second, I do stop in and check on the JBO several times a day already. I'm always looking to learn more about J-bodies, and maybe help others if I can.
Third, at 32 almost 33 years of age, I'm one of the more "mature" members on JBO. I'm not saying that makes me a better person than someone who is, say 20 years old, but I have 2 kids now and have really grown up a lot. Years ago when I first started surfing the web, I would get sucked into flame wars, etc. Not anymore. I do not start trouble, and sometimes I try to diffuse the situation (if I think I can) if there is trouble between others.
Anyway, thanks for the offer. Even if I am not selected to be a mod here, there will be no hard feelings and I'll still visit the JBO several times per day. I like to think it was an honor to be asked. Honestly I do, because this came as a total surprise.
Thanks again.
Submitted by: Perucavy
Who spends way too damn much time on GME sites every day.
I would like to be a moderator due to the misdirections and abuse taht goes under these forums, I would like to be a tool to guide the lost members and fix the abuse from the other members abusing the system.
Submitted by: 99redz24
Who spends way too damn much time on GME sites every day.
im on these sites for most of the day. and i see a lot of threads that should be locked, threads get out of control long before any moderator gets to them. and with me being on here a lot i could lock or delete these threads before they get any worse.
and also i like to think that i help the new people that come on here. asking questions about there cars and asking for help on how to install performance parts. and giving advice on what to buy, advice on what to avoid and who to avoid. sometimes it feels nice when someones comes back and says thank you to me for helping out
Submitted by: bonestocknewbie
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I'm willing to do anything to help out the ORG!! Everbody here likes Cavaliers/Sunfires, but nobody likes post jacking, flaming/rude comments, and worthless threads.
Submitted by: ken
Who spends way too damn much time on GME sites every day.
I am a fair person who has the ability to follow the rules and inforce them proprtly without haveing that (power trip) that some posess. I have been on the org for quite some time now, heck I remember the org when it first came out. lol. I would like to help in cleaning this site up a bit, latlety it has been getting sloppy with people postings in the wrong fourms, and fight breaking out at the drop of a hat. I know i am tired of that stuff and so are you. If you make me a mod I can insure you that I will do my best, and be very fair when browseing the forums.
Thank you, Ken
Submitted by: TwIsteR
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
Almost got me
Submitted by: dazink
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I feel that I can contribute to the JBO site by sharing my knowledge about j-bodies and helping others with what I know. I spend large amounts of time on the site depending on the time and the day. I don't post unless I actually have something to contribute.
Submitted by: derangedcavi
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I dunno lol. I moderate my team website I'm really not sure. I'm just answering to the little link I was sent =
Submitted by: excidium
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I would most certainly like to do my part to further the jbody community as I have always felt was the most respected and well rounded forum for discussion about our platforms. I would happily take the position but between work and play and everything in between, I wouldn't necessarily be able to provide extensive help on a daily basis. I am, however, usually active at pretty oddball hours so if thats something you're looking for I could at the very least put some effort there. I mainly hang around the boost forum, as I feel that is where most of my time is spent on, so if you require any moderation there, it would certainly be appreciated. Let me know what you're looking for through email and I'll certainly let you know what I'm capable of.
Submitted by: phantomdragon
Who spends more then he or she should on GME sites every day.
I spend most of my time in the photos, electronics, interior and off topic forums. I like to see how new members are starting out with their modifications, and i like the order that is kept with these forums.
Submitted by: supersaiyengt
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I really like to help people and one thing that I really hate to see on the forums are unnecessary rude comments that don't help anyone in anyway... By being a moderator, I'd be able to put a stop to the unfortunate "flaming" that does occur time to time.
Submitted by: ceanern
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
I'm usually not one for starting problems. I perfer to watch over and post occisionally. Usually if a problem does arise I try to get to the bottom of the problem before jumping to a conclusion. And try to listen to both sides of an issue if it is between people. I'm not always online. But the majority of the time I am on in the morning from anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours a day. Either browsing the forum or making post. And try to avoid uncessary things as much as possible
Submitted by: bossman
Who spends quite a bit of time on GME sites every day.
My presence here at has always been about helping others. I have found myself researching information for people and sharing my experiences in order to help people. My wide variety of experiences include, building a trunk setup for my sound system from scratch, installing and maintaining air ride into my vehicle, fiberglassing a box for my old sound system setup, painting, polishing and working with all kinds of electronics from neons, strobes to wiring gaming console's in the car. I feel as a moderator, I would have much to offer the J-body community and would respect and enforce all policies accordingly. I feel that the time that I spend on is invaluable and would like to continue to learn more and more as well as pass on my knowledge through these forums. If I am selected, I will be looking into creating a FAQ for all the air ride questions that I recieve in my email box on a daily basis. To represent the J-body moderators, I would ofcourse become premium to set an example for everyone else. This forum has been extemely helpful for me, and I look at this as an opportunity to give something back to the org.
Submitted by: jmdub
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I have been an avid fan of many different forums, mainly in car audio circles. I am an MECP certified technician and almost 10 years retail experience in aspects of mobile audio, video, security and modifications. I feel this would help many of the members on this board.
Submitted by: jbeier
Who spends a little time on GME sites every day.
I feel there are some gaps to be filled in the moderating team on GME sites. I e-mail the moderating staff here at the J-body organization frequently to make them aware of problem areas I find on these sites. Unfortunately, I never recieve feedback, and the problems persist. I would like to join the moderating team because I feel I can make a difference in correcting these overlooked problems. I belive GME sites would benefit from my attention to detail, and would be rewarded with a better, smoother running website. My focus is on making the site as user friendly as possible, by correcting problem areas, not so much problem users (although I sometimes feel the need to do that also). Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this position!
Jarrett Beier