is there any jotm for july ? --> Club J-body de la Capitale
yea lenko does this at the end of the month...... so a week before july he will make the post....
yea whn july comes around there will be
what? you mean it's not July now??? wtf mate?
^^^I hope that was sarcasm, because it's definitely June my friend....
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Damn, felt like December to me...
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
who cares who starts it. only thing that matters are votes. start it yourself. I vote for WHITECAVY since schulte sold his kit
... there, i started it for you.
here ya go.. heres a pic to go with my vote since people like to do that:
David Ingram - WhiteCavy
Well then, I vote for Chris Peters (Mavrik24)
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Ok, I'll bite..
I'm gonna vote for Chris Foresta... a very nice, well rounded car... I look forward to humping it someday...
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not sure if this is going to work but here it goes first time posting pics so bear with me if it dont work my vote goes to DoubledZed that car is just pure SEX
^^ i know he is gonna win
and my car gets done in a week too.
damn did i pick bad timing
o yea my vote goes to Doublezed also
John Lenko wrote:Ok, I'll bite.. ![](/global/images/emoticons/ag.gif)
I'm gonna vote for Chris Foresta... a very nice, well rounded car... I look forward to humping it someday...
too bad foresta's car doesnt look like that may never get to hump it lenko. of course i think hes gonna get it back together and then itll look like least thats what i think. yeah so that ^^^ was just pointless.
anyway, ill vote in a little bit....gotta figure out who i wanna vote for
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SOLD!!! email
my vote for doublezed --> Club J-body de la Capitale
last month, the vote for jotm for june starts may 1th ... --> Club J-body de la Capitale
Tabasco Racing is FOR SALE wrote:too bad foresta's car doesnt look like that may never get to hump it lenko. of course i think hes gonna get it back together and then itll look like least thats what i think. yeah so that ^^^ was just pointless.
Booooo! I liked it the way it WAS then...
Carl Tremblay wrote:last month, the vote for jotm for june starts may 1th ...
That's because someone got drunk and jumped the gun
And then you did as well this month... so... as long as people remember the rules we'll be alright
NO discussion, just votes
NO voting for yourself
And of course, no point in voting for someone who's already won.. unless they're really re-done the car... where the list of old winners went.. I have no idea.
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well since everyone else is....
David Ingram - WhiteCavy
really clean car
Doublezed. He's put so much work into that car its ridiculous!
June - John Piparo
May - Darkstars
April 2005 - LowFire!
March - Cheeter!
February - Anthony Jones!
January - John317 aka Gary Voyles!
December 2004 - Jeremy aka skilz10179! and xOPETHx!
November - Kris aka Viral!
October - Brian Klocke! RIP dude
September - A tie! Meckster and SnazziZ24
August - Fabian!
July - DaveZ!
June - Karo! and the (not so) SlowFire
May - Phil! (QUICKblackECOTEC)
April - Steve! (BORGS)
March - A tie! Aaron Lancaster! (Phlatcav) and Jack Brown!
February - A tie! Jenny Jo! and Jay Van!
January - A tie! Mike Karas! and Simon Crabtree!
December 2003 - jlenko (RIP: Bottle-Fed Zed)
August - Cavattack!
July - Kavky!
April 2005 (the newest) - Darkstars
(Yes, ok, so I missed a few months.. Sorry!)
I vote for phlatcav.....He has the cleanest looking j around.
Ken96Z...saw it at HIN, just clean